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Master in Finance Program

Master of Science (MSc)
17 / 21 months
Vallendar & abroad
First degree
Business-related or STEM
Financial Times Ranking 2024
#1 in Germany
#20 Worldwide
Fast-track your future career in finance. Whether you want to work in-house or independently, our Master in Finance will give you the knowledge and experience you need to succeed.

Your career with WHU

Our Master in Finance graduates work in these sectors.

Sector breakdown for Master in Finance graduates 2019-2023

The Master in Finance opens up a wide range of career opportunities through our extensive network. The first-class WHU Career Center offers personal suports on the path to your career goals, be it in banking, management consulting, business or start-ups.

Starting salary of our Master of Science graduates

Average starting salary: €65,900
3 years after graduation: €101,100

Source: Career Entry Report Master of Science Programs 2019-2023

Our students

Yujing Liang
Master in Finance 2021
"I wanted a first-class program, a dedicated career center and the opportunity to do an internship in the respective country. The WHU Master in Finance program met all these requirements and so much more."

WHU Career Center: Career support, whenever you need it

Mapped every career move? Not sure where to begin? Whatever stage of your career you have reached, we will help you get to the next. 

With one-to-one counseling, careers fairs, networking dinners and internship opportunities, our career center is committed to supporting you. Every step of the way. 

A woman and young man sitting at a table.

Master Programs
Virtual Class Visits

Experience our Master programs online! Join a class in action and get a glimpse into life as a WHU student.
Master Event, Part-Time Master Event, MBA Event, Global Online MBA Event
Berlin After-Work Information Session
Off-campus / September 18, 2024
MBA Event, Global Online MBA Event, Master Event, Part-Time Master Event
Hamburg After-Work Information Session
Off-campus / September 19, 2024
MBA Event, Global Online MBA Event, Master Event
Brussels After-Work Information Session
Off-campus / September 26, 2024

Semester Dates

Fall Semester 2024 

Welcome week: 21. – 30. Aug.
Lecture period: 02. Sep. – 18. Dec.
Exam weeks: 21. – 25. Oct. and 16. – 20. Dec.

Spring Semester 2025

Lecture period: 13. Jan. – 23. Apr.
Exam weeks: 03. – 10. Mar. and 24. – 30. Apr.
Capstone Module Abroad (90 cr track): 04. – 10. May

A smiling young woman with long hair writes something on a flip chart while three seated students watch her.

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