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International Experience

To lead international businesses, you need an international outlook. And through overseas study and working alongside peers from around the world, that is what we will give you.
Three young people in hoodies engaged in conversation

Our world of opportunity

Blue icon of a globe surrounded by two arrows

200+ partner universities in 40+ countries

blue light bulb icon on white background

One overseas semester (120 credit track)

Capstone module in the US, Asia, or Europe (90 credit track)

Symbol drawing of a graduation hat

Double Master’s degree option

Our global network

Connections to the world
UCA Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
UDESA Universidad de San Andrés, Departamentos de Administración y Economía
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Universidad del CEMA
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Bond University
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Curtin University of Technology, Curtin Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Deakin University, Faculty of Business and Law
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
La Trobe University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Macquarie University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Monash University, Faculty of Business and Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Queensland University of Technology
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School
Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
The University of Western Australia, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
The University of Queensland, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of New South Wales
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of South Australia, Divison of Business
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Tasmania, Faculty of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Commerce/ Sydney Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
FGV Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
PUC Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Administração e Economia
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, COPPEAD Graduate School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Brock University, Goodman School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Concordia University, John Molson School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
HEC Montréal
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Memorial University, Faculty of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Queen's University, Stephen J. R. Smith School of Business
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Simon Fraser University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
The University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Université Laval, Faculté des Sciences de l'Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
University of Alberta, School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Manitoba, Asper School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
University of Ottawa, Telfer School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Saskatchewan
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Toronto, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Victoria, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Western University, Ivey Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
York University, Schulich School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
PUC Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Escuela de Negocios de Valparaíso
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Universidad del Desarrollo, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
CEIBS China Europe International Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
City University of Hong Kong, College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Fudan University, School of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
HKUST The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Hong Kong Baptist University, School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
NCCU National Chengchi University, Department of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
National Taiwan University, College of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Peking University, Guanghua School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Renmin University of China, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Antai College of Economics and Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE)
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Sun Yat-sen University, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Business Administration
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Faculty of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Business and Economics
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Tongji University, School of Economics and Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Tsinghua University, School of Economics and Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
University of Macau, Faculty of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Xi`an Jiatong-Liverpool University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
INCAE Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Copenhagen Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Estonian Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Aalto University School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Hanken School of Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Audencia Nantes
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
EM Lyon Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
EM Normandie
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
EDHEC School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
ESCP Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
ESSEC Business School Paris
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Grenoble Ecole de Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
IAE Aix en Provence
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
ICN Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
IÉSEG School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Sciences Po (IEP Paris Institut d'Etudes Politiques)
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
KEDGE Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
NEOMA Business School Campus Reims
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
NEOMA Business School Campus Rouen
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Toulouse Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Corvinus University of Budapest
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Indian School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
University College Cork
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Trinity College
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Limerick, Kemmy Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Tel Aviv University, Coller School of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Finance
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Università degli Studi di Siena
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
International University of Japan, Graduate School of International Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Kobe University, School of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Waseda University, Faculty of Commerce
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Stockholm School of Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
ISM University of Management and Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Malaya, Faculty of Business and Accountancy
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
ITAM Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
ITESM Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, EGADE Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Universidad Panamericana, Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa, IPADE Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
RSM Erasmus University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Auckland University of Technology
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
The University of Canterbury, College of Business and Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
The University of Waikato, Waikato Management School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Victoria University of Wellington, Victoria Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
BI Norwegian Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
NHH Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Sultan Qaboos University, College of Economics & Political Science
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
ESAN, Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Asian Institute of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Warsaw School of Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
St. Petersburg University, Graduate School of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
St. Petersburg State University of Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
NTU Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
NUS National University of Singapore, Faculty of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
SMU Singapore Management University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
The University of Stellenbosch, USB Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
University of Pretoria
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Korea University, Business School (KUBS)
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Seoul National University
Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Finance, Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Sungkyunkwan University, Graduate School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Yonsei University, School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
ESADE Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
ICADE Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
IE Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Universidad Carlos III
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Universidad de Deusto, La Comercial
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Universidad de Navarra
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Finance
JIBS Jönköping International Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Lund University School of Economics and Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Finance, Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Stockholm School of Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Gothenburg
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Uppsala University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Geneva School of Economics and Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
HEC Lausanne
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Chulalongkorn University, Business School and Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Mae Fah Luang University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Mahidol University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Thammasat University, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Bilkent University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Koc University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Aston University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Lancaster University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
London Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Newcastle University Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Nottingham Trent University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
The University of Hull, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
The University of Strathclyde
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Durham University, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Bradford
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
University of Exeter
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Glasgow
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
John Carroll University, Boler School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Michigan State Universtity
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
North Carolina State University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Pepperdine University, Graziadio Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Rice University, Jones Graduate School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
 San Francisco State University
Bachelor in Business Psychology
Southern Methodist University, Cox School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Suffolk University, Sawyer Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Texas A&M University, Mays Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
The University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
The University of Tennessee, Haslam College of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Finance
Tulane University, Freeman School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Arkansas, Sam M. Walton College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
University of Florida, Warrington College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Shidler College of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Kansas, Lawrence Campus
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Kentucky, Gatton College of Business and Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Nevada, The College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Pittsburgh, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Rochester, Simon Business School
Master double degree:
Master in Finance
University of San Diego, School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of South Carolina, Moore School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Tampa
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Washington, Michael G. Foster Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Virginia Tech University, Pamplin College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Washington State University, Carson College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Washington University in St. Louis, Olin Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Xavier University, Williams College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
American University, Kogod School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Arizona State University, W.P Carey School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Belmont University, Jack C. Massey College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Brandeis University, Brandeis International Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Butler University, College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Chapman University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Columbia University, Columbia Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Drexel University, LeBow College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Florida International University, College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Finance
Georgia Institute of Technology, Scheller College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Universidad ORT, School of Business Administration and Social Sciences
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
IESA Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Admnistración
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Foreign Trade University
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, International School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration EN, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Paul Schraven
Master of Entrepreneurship 2019
"I come from Krefeld which is a small town near Dusseldorf. I lived in Maastricht in the Netherlands for three years while I completed my bachelor’s degree, excluding a semester abroad in South Korea. I went on to co-found my own start-up in Berlin, and then worked remotely in countries such as Bali and Portugal for a San Francisco based company. I haven’t lived in Germany for the past seven or eight years because I have been traveling so much!"

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Four young people are sitting around a small table and working at their notebooks.