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WHU Master Programs: Application & Admissions.

Start your WHU journey today!
Two women sitting at a table, engaged in conversation.

Our admissions process is holistic, which allows us to consider all aspects of your application, giving you the opportunity to showcase your potential to our selection committee. We take your overall achievements into consideration such as work experience, international experience, academic performance, and extracurricular engagement. 

General Management Programs

A young woman with long blonde hair wearing a blue blazer stands outside. on WHU Campus Vallendar. Students sit at a table behind her.
Master in Management
Already have a Bachelor’s in business or economics? Here is the next stepping stone toward a successful career in business leadership. Master the essentials of management then focus your study to suit your goals.
Three young people are sitting behind a table working at their laptops.
Master in International Business
Business insight meets global outlook. You bring the ambition. We nurture the skills and the knowhow. Graduate ready to make your mark in the multinational boardrooms of tomorrow.
A young woman with dark hair and glasses, sitting in a lecture hall, turns to a person behind her.
Part-Time Master in Management
Fit your study around your job. Forge career-enhancing friendships and business connections. Prepare your future success by studying for our flexible, part-time Master in Management.

Specialized Programs

Four young people are sitting around a small table and working at their notebooks.
Master in Business Analytics
Secure your future in our ever more data-driven world. From customer insights and pricing to supply chain and tech innovation, we will show you how to spot opportunities and gain a strategic edge.
A young woman writes on a postit note on the wall in front of her while smiling at the young man next to her.
Master in Entrepreneurship
Determined. Compassionate. Open-minded. Do you fit the mold? We will teach you the art and application of business leadership, and you can take it wherever you choose.
Two young men and two young women are working together around a table.
Master in Finance
Set the stage for your career in finance. This sector-specific program offers cutting-edge theory, tools to tap into financial markets, and crucially, opportunities to put what you learn into practice.

Our Application Center is open!

Start your application via our online portal and join one of our Master Programs. You do not have to complete the online application all at once - you can save your information and come back to it later.

Master Team
