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View on Tel Aviv WHU master program

WHU Part-Time Master in Management: Student Interview with Moritz

Intercultural Perspectives and Opening Student’s Minds to New Ways of Thinking in Tel Aviv

Moritz Weinhaendler pursued a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Communications from a traditional German educational background. Dual degree educations provide theoretical classroom experience with work experience, preparing students for the real working world upon graduation. Now pursuing a part-time Master in Management, Moritz has found a passion for Corporate Finance.

Coming to the end of their degrees, around 39 students recently participated in the module abroad in Tel Aviv, Israel (otherwise known as the Capstone module). This vibrant city allowed students to learn about the Israeli way of business and work in a young, fresh, entrepreneurial spirit for which the city is known.  

Combining practice and theory, a cornerstone of master's programs at WHU, the Capstone allows students to participate in lectures on Israeli culture, visit exciting groups like the AHK (Germany’s foreign Chamber of Commerce) and venture capital corporations like Redwood and Mindstream, and participate in face-to-face talks with world-famous entrepreneurs like Nirit Ayal.

The intercultural experience learned in this format was invaluable for the students’ international perspective. Moritz states: “One thing which stood out to me is how the Israelis take action without perfecting everything. This mindset is different from the German working culture. This action-based perspective opened my mind to taking more risks and potentially being successful.”

The non-guarantee, take action now perspective is relevant in the day-to-day life of Israelis and their educational background, living in an active military zone and having military training.  “A background different from standard western cultures and business lands like Europe, Australia, or the USA,” Moritz notes.

Moving fast, trying again when unsuccessful, and needing to be focused on hierarchies are other intercultural takeaways from the Capstone in Tel Aviv.

Moritz feels prepared for the real-life business world by gaining multiple practical and theoretical insights through these non-traditional pathways, including the Capstone trip to Tel Aviv. After graduation, his short-term work plans are to gain experience as a Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) in Corporate Finance and, in the long term, build and scale successful businesses. Reflecting on his time at WHU, Moritz shares:

“The Part-Time Master in Management Program, and WHU in general, is filled with great successful people. The motivation from colleagues and professors here has allowed me to perform at my best, and the entrepreneurial spirit allows for risk-taking. The WHU’s focus on excellence and execution is top-notch.”

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