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Participation in the European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) in Madrid.

The Chair of Digital Marketing presented four research project on this year's European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) 2021.

EMAC is one of the most well-known academic marketing conferences in Europe. This year, the conference focused on "Marketing for Growth" and was hosted by ESIC Business and Marketing School, as a leading institution in the field of marketing in Spain, in Madrid.

During the conference, four research projects were presented by participants from our department. On May 26, PhD students presented their research projects: "Effectiveness of Online-only Coupons on Online and Offline Channels" (Christina Antonie Reh) and "How did the COVID-19 crisis change the social media peer-to-peer fundraising landscape?" (Béatrice Martin).  On May 27, Sven Beisecker presented his research project: "Threshold Determination Using Extensions of Best-Worst Scaling". This research project was done in collaboration with Felix Eggers (University of Groningen). All projects were co-authored with their supervisor Christian Schlereth.

In addition, Christian Schlereth presented his current research with Michael Weiler (Goethe University), Simon Stolz (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management), Andreas Lanz (HEC Paris) and Oliver Hinz (Goethe University) on "Social Capital Accumulation in Career Networks" on May 26.

We are very grateful for the valuable and encouraging feedback we received from international scholars and experts during the conference.

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