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Sixth Digital Leader Award awarded

For the sixth time, Prof. Dr. Christian Schlereth supported the annual Digital Leader Award from the scientific side.

For the sixth time, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management provided academic support for the Digital Leader Award, which was presented on June 30 as part of a large virtual WINNERS NIGHT.

The competition, initiated by IDG Deutschland and Computerwoche, is held under the motto Leadership in the Digital Age, and honors corporate leaders and leadership personalities who are shaping the digital transformation in their companies in an exemplary manner.

An interdisciplinary jury had the task of selecting award winners in the categories Efficiency, People, Digital Products & Services, Customer, Public & Social and three special awards from almost 80 applications.

Many German companies are much further along in the digitalization process than popular opinion would suggest. A few years ago, it was enough to excel in an innovative idea generation process (e.g., Scrum or Design Thinking) - today, this has become the standard. Similarly, a few years ago it was enough to focus on a new technology - now it takes a real understanding of the business benefits and how to properly embed the new technology into a system of technologies to shine. It was great to see how companies have benefited from Gamification and how they have shown that there are still so many opportunities and markets to conquer and that not only companies are benefiting from digitalization, but many organizations are developing digital solutions that greatly benefit society as a whole.

Congratulations to all the winners and finalists!

You can read the article here.

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