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InnoSurge AC ranked #1

We’re happy to share that InnoSurge AC ranked #1 at the AC² Business Plan Competition

Congratulations to the team behind InnoSurge AC- the AI-powered medical software for automated surgical planning! The startup ranked 1st at the AC² Gründung Wachstum Innovation Competition!

The health tech startup was founded by Dr. Stefan Raith, Tobias Pankert, and Thomas Roth, who were connected via the Co-founding Newsletter connecting aspiring entrepreneurs from the WHU and RWTH Aachen community.

To date, the team has received over € 1 Million in grants from EXIST Forschungstransfer and won 21,000€ in prize money from Digital Innovation 2019, Science4Life Venture Cup 2020, Medizinwirtschaft / proRuhr 2020, and Gründungswettbewerb AC² 2020/2021!

Would you like to get involved with the startup?

InnoSurge AC is currently raising a seed-financing round and looking for investors/angels with experience in the health industry or software sector.

To learn more, reach out to Thomas Roth (throth@ukaachen.de)

Would you like to expand your knowledge in entrepreneurship? Then, take a look at our MSc. in Entrepreneurship program here.

Also, follow our channels or get in touch to stay up-to-date on the WHU Entrepreneurship Center.

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