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IT Services

Microsoft Office 365

WHU offers all students, alumni, and academic staff access to Office 365.

The functional scope of Office 365 usage varies according to status.

  • Alumni receive the use of Exchange Online (50 GB e-mail inbox).
  • Current students have access to Exchange Online, Onedrive for Business, Office Online and Skype for Business Online. In addition there is the Office 365 Pro Plus package with up to 10 installations. (After graduation from WHU, only the use of the mailbox [Exchange Online] is still possible).

Login Office 365 Portal

Login Office 365 Webmail

Office 365 Software (Also the Office Package - Only for current students)


WHU uses think-cell to create presentations. think-cell is a presentation extension for Microsoft Office: For PowerPoint, the components "think-cell chart" are available for diagrams (e.g., waterfall, Gantt charts, etc.) and "think-cell layout" for arranging design elements. The plugin "think-cell round" for Excel makes it easier to round numbers.

More information about think-cell can be found at www.think-cell.com. Furthermore, think-cell is looking for intelligent, creative C++ developers with a solid theoretical background: hr@think-cell.com.

Microsoft DreamSpark

DreamSpark is a license program of the company Microsoft for universities/schools and/or individual specialist areas with emphasis on software development.

Find more information at http://www.microsoft.com/germany/msdn/academic/dreamspark/schueler-studenten.aspx

Login for WHU:

Administration of literature


Citavi is a literature management program for Microsoft Windows. Citavi helps with all tasks of scientific literature work: from research, knowledge organization and task planning to the creation of the bibliography.

You can find more information at www.citavi.de.

End note

EndNote is a commercial literature management program for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, which allows online searches in databases (e.g. PubMed) and the creation/management of literature databases.

More information can be found at www.endnote.de.

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