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Daniel Hellwig

Chair for Production Management

Abbreviated CV

  • Doctoral Student, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany, since 2017
  • Principal, Kepler Cannon New York, NY, USA, since 2014
  • M.Eng., University of California at Berkeley, USA, 2013
  • B.S.E., The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2011



  • Guest Lecturer (jointly with Goran Karlic and Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier): Introduction to Blockchain, B.Sc., Spring 2021
  • Guest Lecturer (jointly with Goran Karlic and Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier): Blockchain Programming, M.Sc., Spring 2021
  • Guest Lecturer (jointly with Goran Karlic and Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier): Introduction to Blockchain, B.Sc., Fall 2020
  • Guest Lecturer (jointly with Goran Karlic and Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier): Blockchain Programming, M.Sc., Spring 2020
  • Guest Lecturer (jointly with Goran Karlic and Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier): Introduction to Blockchain, B.Sc., Spring 2020
  • Guest Lecturer (jointly with Goran Karlic and Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier): Introduction to Blockchain, B.Sc., Fall 2019
  • Guest Lecturer (jointly with Goran Karlic and Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier): Introduction to Blockchain, B.Sc., Spring 2019
  • Guest Lecturer (jointly with Goran Karlic and Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier): Introduction to Blockchain, B.Sc., Fall 2018
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