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Jan-Rasmus Künnen

Mercator Endowed Chair of Demand Management & Sustainable Transport

Former Research Assistant



Jan-Rasmus Künnen (born in 1993) joined the Mercator Endowed Chair of Demand Management & Sustainable Transport at WHU as an doctoral student and research assistant in May 2020. He holds a B.Sc. in International Business from Maastricht University and M.Sc. in Operations Research from the London School of Economics. His studies focused on applying quantitative methods (simulation, game theory, modeling) to transportation and logistics problems. The focus of his thesis was on modeling distance constraints in vehicle routing. After graduation, Jan-Rasmus Künnen worked as a consultant with McKinsey & Company, specializing in supply chain and operations transformations. During his two years, he worked on projects across industries in Europe, South Africa and Canada. His research interests lie in mathematical modeling, transportation optimization and machine learning.

After completing his doctoral studies at WHU, he re-joined McKinsey & Company for a short while before founding his own company WingLabs. WingLabs work closely with the Chair on a major industry project to further develop and implement research on air traffic management that was previously undertaken at the Chair. 


  • Bronze Anna Valicek Medal 2023, awarded by the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS) at the Annual AGIFORS Symposium in Montreal, Canada
  • INFORMS Aviation Applications Section Best Dissertation Award 2023, awarded by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, USA
  • Finalist EURO Doctoral Dissertation Award 2024, awarded by the European Association of Operational Research Societies (EURO)


Transportation Research Part A: Policy, Vol 174 (2023)

Leveraging demand-capacity balancing to reduce air traffic emissions and improve overall network performance

Jan-Rasmus Künnen; Arne K. Strauss; Nikola Ivanov; Radosav Jovanovic; Frank Fichert
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 160, pp. 76-96

The value of flexible flight-to-route assignments in pre-tactical air traffic management

Künnen, J.-R., Strauss, A. (2022)
Transportation Science, Vol. 57 (4), pp. 999-1018

Cross-border capacity planning in air traffic management under uncertainty

Jan-Rasmus Künnen; Arne K. Strauss; Radosav Jovanovic;Nikola Ivanov;Frank Fichert; Stefano Starita (2023)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy, Vol 174 (2023)

Leveraging demand-capacity balancing to reduce air traffic emissions and improve overall network performance

Jan-Rasmus Künnen; Arne K. Strauss; Nikola Ivanov; Radosav Jovanovic; Frank Fichert
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 160, pp. 76-96

The value of flexible flight-to-route assignments in pre-tactical air traffic management

Künnen, J.-R., Strauss, A. (2022)
Transportation Science, Vol. 57 (4), pp. 999-1018

Cross-border capacity planning in air traffic management under uncertainty

Jan-Rasmus Künnen; Arne K. Strauss; Radosav Jovanovic;Nikola Ivanov;Frank Fichert; Stefano Starita (2023)
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