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Our research aims at uncovering the hidden – psychological – roadmap underlying successful service delivery and positive relationships with the actors involved in this process: We seek to explain how and why modern services and relationship-building initiatives affect both firms’ customers and their frontline service workforce in various and significant ways. Acknowledging social and organizational psychological principles, our work deploys various quantitative and qualitative empirical research methods to provide central insights for the scientific community as well as for the practice and education of contemporary management.

Our team

Top News:

Prof. Tillmann Wagner has accepted an invitation to join the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS).

Our publications – A selection of journal articles and cases

Journal of Service Research, 23 (2), 194-210

Customer Ethnic Bias in Service Encounters.

Linzmajer, Marc, Simon Brach, Gianfranco Walsh, and Tillmann Wagner (2020)
Journal of Business Research, 114 (June), 385-394

Deconstructing Corporate Hypocrisy: A Delineation of Its Behavioral, Moral, and Attributional Facets.

Wagner, Tillmann, Daniel Korschun, and Cord-Christian Troebs (2020)
Journal of Marketing, 73(6), 77-91 (Best Published Paper Award 2009, Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation)

Corporate Hypocrisy: Overcoming the Threat of Inconsistent Corporate Social Responsibility Perceptions.

Wagner, Tillmann, Richard J. Lutz, and Barton A. Weitz (2009)
Journal of Marketing, 73(3), 69-85

Does Customer Demotion Jeopardize Loyalty?

Wagner, Tillmann, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Thomas Rudolph (2009)
Journal of Service Research, 23 (2), 194-210

Customer Ethnic Bias in Service Encounters.

Linzmajer, Marc, Simon Brach, Gianfranco Walsh, and Tillmann Wagner (2020)
Journal of Business Research, 114 (June), 385-394

Deconstructing Corporate Hypocrisy: A Delineation of Its Behavioral, Moral, and Attributional Facets.

Wagner, Tillmann, Daniel Korschun, and Cord-Christian Troebs (2020)
Journal of Marketing, 73(6), 77-91 (Best Published Paper Award 2009, Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation)

Corporate Hypocrisy: Overcoming the Threat of Inconsistent Corporate Social Responsibility Perceptions.

Wagner, Tillmann, Richard J. Lutz, and Barton A. Weitz (2009)
Journal of Marketing, 73(3), 69-85

Does Customer Demotion Jeopardize Loyalty?

Wagner, Tillmann, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Thomas Rudolph (2009)

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Professor Tillmann Wagner
Professor Tillmann Wagner
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