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The Center carries out research in the field of market-oriented corporate management and facilitates an active exchange between the academic and business communities. As an academic institution, the WHU provides the perfect environment for a center of this kind.

Bringing science and business together!

In recent years, growing intensity of competition and marginal market growth rates have made it increasingly necessary to structure and manage companies in a market-oriented way. With this in mind, the Center for Market-Oriented Corporate Management (CMM) at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management was founded on January 1, 1997. 


The CMM is managed by a Scientific Director, Professor Dr. Martin Fassnacht, who is also Chairholder of the Chair of Strategy and Marketing at WHU.

The Scientific Director is supported by an Advisory Board consisting of well-known scholars and top corporate representatives. Chair of the CMM Advisory Board is Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hermann Simon.


The Center serves as a platform for exchange between the academic and business communities in the field of market-oriented corporate management. This mutual exchange results in valuable contributions to scientific research in the field, which enhance the knowledge and application of methods and instruments for market-oriented corporate management within companies.


Jun.-Prof. Anna-Karina Schmitz
Jun.-Prof. Anna-Karina Schmitz
Jun.-Professor Henkel Center for Consumer Goods WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Professor Martin Fassnacht
Scientific Director of CMM
Professor Martin Fassnacht Scientific Director of CMM
Professor and Chairholder Chair of Strategy and Marketing WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Annika Hagen
Annika Hagen
Research Assistant / Doctoral Student
Emily Waltermann
Emily Waltermann
Research Assistant / Doctoral Student
Lukas Schnabl
Lukas Schnabl
Research Assistant / Doctoral Student
Niklas Sprungmann
Niklas Sprungmann
External doctoral student
Peter Liebens
Peter Liebens
External doctoral student

Our offer

Become part of our network!

The ZMU is a place for active cross-industry dialog. Openness and an atmosphere of trust promote our exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices. We bring together companies of all sectors and sizes and are aimed at professionals, managers and executives who want to shape market-oriented corporate management together with us. Mutual support is our top priority.

Looking back on past events!

Visit our photo gallery to get an impression of our Advisory Board Meetings.

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Center for Market-Oriented Corporate Marketing
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