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The WHU Innovation Ecoystem Hub

We connect science and practice on innovation ecosystems by generating novel insights, offering alternative tools and methodologies and conducting data-driven research.

We generate novel and provocative insights on innovation ecosystems. We communicate these insights via our blog, events, and our LinkedIn page.
We offer novel tools and methodologies (e.g. LEGO(c) Serious Play, business wargaming) to help organizations build and manage their innovation ecosystem.
We conduct scientific research to provide a data-based foundation for generating insights and engaging with organizations.

Our team

Professor Dries Faems
Professor Dries Faems
Johanna Häring
Johanna Häring
Personal Assistant
Nils Berkemeyer
Nils Berkemeyer
Research Assistant
Julian Fieres
Julian Fieres
Research Assistant
Niklas Geiss
Niklas Geiss
Research Assistant
Lukas Müller
Lukas Müller
Research Assistant
Simon Rudat
Simon Rudat
Research Assistant
Ronja Stoffregen
Ronja Stoffregen
Research Assistant
Maximilian Weinhold
Maximilian Weinhold
Research Assistant
Anna-Lena Höcker
Anna-Lena Höcker
Founder of design. create. innovate!

Our location

Campus Vallendar
Chair of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technological Transformation
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
D'Esterstraße 11
56179 Vallendar
Chair of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technological Transformation
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