WHU - Startseite
Engaging with key trends shaping marketing, strategy and digitalization.

About the initiative

The WHU MBA Future of Marketing Club (FMC) fosters exchange between industry experts, marketing enthusiasts and professionals from all WHU batches to engage with key trends shaping marketing, strategy and digitalization and support pursuing careers in these functions. We organize (hybrid) events, roundtables, talks, case studies and nurture a network among diverse professionals with an interest in and passion for marketing. 

We all know how important is Marketing function in any organization and how fast Marketing is developing, we are curious to know more about Marketing trends, digital innovations, challenging strategic decisions. Therefore we invite everyone for an open conversation with our club, where we don’t only listen to presenters but engage with key players in the marketing industry, ask questions and go deeper in each marketing topic.

The scope of FMC is defined by three building blocks

The primary focus of FMC is to keep up with the fast-paced developments in the world of marketing, customer experience driven business management and organic topline growth management. The future of these areas is typically defined in the intersection of marketing and strategy departments with agenices & consultancies.

FMC follows the mindset that marketing & strategy are essentially one discipline as both are responsible for a company’s approach towards its customers and competitors. Therefore, we will apply strategic lenses when reviewing key issues concerning strategic marketing and marketing mix, rather than focusing on the tactical or operative level.

Digitalization is one of the key trends which has defined the recent developments of marketing and became an essential building block of the 21st century marketing strategies. Therefore, the role and impact of digital and utilization of the sheer amount of available data within marketing will be one of the focus areas of FMC.

Join us in our events

Organized events with external speakers, marketing leaders and professionals to discuss exciting topics and learn from practical experiences.

Hosting of interactive FMC fireside chats to share insights, for example via recommending readings, sharing key-take-aways from exciting books, articles or work experiences from speakers.

Organize talks with alumni who pursued career with a focus on marketing, strategy or digital. FMC will seek exchange with other student clubs to limit overlaps and identify collaboration opportunities.

Board members

Maria Tang-Tang
Maria Tang-Tang
General Management
Christian Koenig
Christian Koenig
Event Management
Laura Rosicka
Laura Rosicka
Communication & PR
Ismail Sekkat
Ismail Sekkat
Communications & PR
Carlota Grau Calzada
Carlota Grau Calzada
Strategic Development
Ashutosh Dabas
Ashutosh Dabas
Strategic Development

Our faculty sponsor

Professor Martin Fassnacht
Professor Martin Fassnacht

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Become a member of FMC!

Interested in getting involved in FMC but not a member yet? Join our internal club activities and access our internal SharePoint with documentation of our events!

You can sign up to become a FMC member here:

Sight on the WHU in Vallendar.
Do you want to get in touch with the FMC team?

Feel free to reach out to us anytime. We are looking forward to hearing from you!