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Spanish I, B2, group 7: Cancelled

Course code
Course type
Language Courses
Weekly Hours
HS 2021
Dipl.-Päd. Silvia Beatriz Garcia-Duffner
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.

Spanish Semester I, B2The course is aimed at students with a solid knowledge of the Spanish language. The participants can speak with a certain fluency and are able to write complex texts. The economic issues are becoming more and more important.

a) Grammar: We mainly focus on the most difficult subjects of the subjunctive.

b) Economy: Working on various topics from the book Wirtschaftsspanisch (Martí / Schnitzer).

c) Oral expression:

Presentation of a Latin-American country or a Spanish region (max. 15 minutes).

Castro Viúdez, Francisca u. A.: Nuevo Español en Marcha 4. Libro del Alumno. SGEL/Hueber(ISBN 978-3-19-414503-0)Schnitzer, Johannes / Martí, Jordi: Wirtschaftsspanisch, 6. Auflage. Oldenburg Verlag(ISBN 978-3-486-75514-5)
Grammar exercises, role plays, translations, quizzes, group work
Written examination (60%), oral presentation assignment (20%), class participation (20%)
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