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Internationale Austauschprogramme

1 oder 2 Semester
Vallendar oder Düsseldorf
Austauschstudierende pro Semester:

Einzigartige Erlebnisse – Ein halbes Jahr im Herzen Europas.

Unser Ziel ist es, Ihren Auslandsaufenthalt bei uns zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis zu machen, sowohl auf akademischer, als auch auf persönlicher Ebene. Die WHU hat zwei Standorte: Düsseldorf und Vallendar. Der jeweilige Studiengang bestimmt den Campusstandort, an dem Sie während Ihres Auslandssemesters studieren werden. Austauschstudierende haben die freie Auswahl aus allen Kursen, die ihrem akademischen Hintergrund und dem Programm an ihrer Heimatuniversität entsprechen. Wir freuen uns etwa 150 Austauschstudierende pro Semester von unseren weltweit mehr als 220 Partnerhochschulen begrüßen zu dürfen.


Globales Netzwerk

Globale Partneruniversitäten

Informationen für WHU-Studierende: Bitte beachten Sie, dass pro Semester nur eine Auswahl von Partneruniversitäten angeboten werden kann. Dies hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, unter anderem von der Anzahl der Studierenden, die wir aus dem Ausland erhalten. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation sind alle Partnerschaften mit russischen Universitäten ausgesetzt.

UCA Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
Bachelor in International Business Administration
UDESA Universidad de San Andrés, Departamentos de Administración y Economía
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Universidad del CEMA
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Bond University
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Curtin University of Technology, Curtin Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Deakin University, Faculty of Business and Law
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
La Trobe University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Macquarie University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Monash University, Faculty of Business and Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Queensland University of Technology
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School
Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
The University of Western Australia, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
The University of Queensland, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of New South Wales
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of South Australia, Divison of Business
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Tasmania, Faculty of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Commerce/ Sydney Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
FGV Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
PUC Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Administração e Economia
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, COPPEAD Graduate School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
PUC Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Escuela de Negocios de Valparaíso
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Universidad del Desarrollo, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
CEIBS China Europe International Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
City University of Hong Kong, College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Fudan University, School of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
HKUST The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Hong Kong Baptist University, School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
NCCU National Chengchi University, Department of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
National Taiwan University, College of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Peking University, Guanghua School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Renmin University of China, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Antai College of Economics and Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE)
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Sun Yat-sen University, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Business Administration
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Faculty of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Business and Economics
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration
Tongji University, School of Economics and Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Tsinghua University, School of Economics and Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
University of Macau, Faculty of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Xi`an Jiatong-Liverpool University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
INCAE Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Copenhagen Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Estonian Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Aalto University School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Hanken School of Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Audencia Nantes
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
EM Lyon Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
EM Normandie
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
EDHEC School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
ESCP Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
ESSEC Business School Paris
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Grenoble Ecole de Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
IAE Aix en Provence
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
ICN Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
IÉSEG School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Sciences Po (IEP Paris Institut d'Etudes Politiques)
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
KEDGE Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
NEOMA Business School Campus Reims
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
NEOMA Business School Campus Rouen
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Toulouse Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Indian School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
University College Cork
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Trinity College
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Limerick, Kemmy Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Tel Aviv University, Coller School of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Finance
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Università degli Studi di Siena
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
International University of Japan, Graduate School of International Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Kobe University, School of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Waseda University, Faculty of Commerce
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Brock University, Goodman School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Concordia University, John Molson School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
HEC Montréal
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Memorial University, Faculty of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Queen's University, Stephen J. R. Smith School of Business
Bachelor in Business Psychology, Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Simon Fraser University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
The University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Université Laval, Faculté des Sciences de l'Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
University of Alberta, School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Manitoba, Asper School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
University of Ottawa, Telfer School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Saskatchewan
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Toronto, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Victoria, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Western University, Ivey Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
York University, Schulich School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business
Stockholm School of Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
ISM University of Management and Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Malaya, Faculty of Business and Accountancy
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
ITAM Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
ITESM Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, EGADE Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Universidad Panamericana, Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa, IPADE Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Auckland University of Technology
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
The University of Canterbury, College of Business and Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
The University of Waikato, Waikato Management School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Victoria University of Wellington, Victoria Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
RSM Erasmus University
Bachelor in International Business Administration
BI Norwegian Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
NHH Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Sultan Qaboos University, College of Economics & Political Science
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
ESAN, Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Asian Institute of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Warsaw School of Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
St. Petersburg University, Graduate School of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
St. Petersburg State University of Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
JIBS Jönköping International Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Lund University School of Economics and Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Finance, Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Stockholm School of Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Gothenburg
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Uppsala University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Geneva School of Economics and Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
HEC Lausanne
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
NTU Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
NUS National University of Singapore, Faculty of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
SMU Singapore Management University
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
ESADE Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
ICADE Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
IE Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Universidad Carlos III
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Universidad de Deusto, La Comercial
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Universidad de Navarra
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Finance
The University of Stellenbosch, USB Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
University of Pretoria
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Korea University, Business School (KUBS)
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Seoul National University
Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Finance, Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Sungkyunkwan University, Graduate School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Yonsei University, School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Chulalongkorn University, Business School and Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Mae Fah Luang University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Mahidol University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Thammasat University, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Bilkent University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Koc University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Aston University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Lancaster University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
London Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Newcastle University Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Nottingham Trent University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
The University of Hull, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
The University of Strathclyde
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Durham University, Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Bradford
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
University of Exeter
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Glasgow
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
John Carroll University, Boler School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Michigan State Universtity
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
North Carolina State University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Pepperdine University, Graziadio Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Rice University, Jones Graduate School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
 San Francisco State University
Bachelor in Business Psychology
Southern Methodist University, Cox School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Suffolk University, Sawyer Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Texas A&M University, Mays Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
The University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
The University of Tennessee, Haslam College of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Finance
Tulane University, Freeman School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Arkansas, Sam M. Walton College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
University of Florida, Warrington College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Shidler College of Business Administration
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Kansas, Lawrence Campus
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Kentucky, Gatton College of Business and Economics
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Nevada, The College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Pittsburgh, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Rochester, Simon Business School
Master double degree:
Master in Finance
University of San Diego, School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of South Carolina, Moore School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Tampa
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Washington, Michael G. Foster Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of Management
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Virginia Tech University, Pamplin College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Washington State University, Carson College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Washington University in St. Louis, Olin Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Xavier University, Williams College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
American University, Kogod School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Arizona State University, W.P Carey School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Belmont University, Jack C. Massey College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Brandeis University, Brandeis International Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Butler University, College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Chapman University
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Columbia University, Columbia Business School
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Drexel University, LeBow College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master double degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business, Master in Finance
Florida International University, College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Finance
Georgia Institute of Technology, Scheller College of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Corvinus University of Budapest
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics, Master in Finance
Universidad ORT, School of Business Administration and Social Sciences
Bachelor in International Business Administration
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
IESA Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Admnistración
Master single degree:
Master in Management / Master in Entrepreneurship / Master in International Business / Master in Business Analytics
Foreign Trade University
Bachelor in International Business Administration
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, International School of Business
Bachelor in International Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Psychology
UCA Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
UCA Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
UDESA Universidad de San Andrés, Departamentos de Administración y Economía
UDESA Universidad de San Andrés, Departamentos de Administración y Economía
Universidad del CEMA
Universidad del CEMA
Bond University
Bond University
Curtin University of Technology, Curtin Business School
Curtin University of Technology, Curtin Business School
Deakin University, Faculty of Business and Law
Deakin University, Faculty of Business and Law
La Trobe University
La Trobe University
Macquarie University
Macquarie University
Monash University, Faculty of Business and Economics
Monash University, Faculty of Business and Economics
Queensland University of Technology
Queensland University of Technology
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School
The University of Western Australia, Business School
The University of Western Australia, Business School
The University of Queensland, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
The University of Queensland, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
University of New South Wales
University of New South Wales
University of South Australia, Divison of Business
University of South Australia, Divison of Business
University of Tasmania, Faculty of Business
University of Tasmania, Faculty of Business
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Commerce/ Sydney Business School
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Commerce/ Sydney Business School
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Business School
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Business School
FGV Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas
FGV Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas
PUC Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Administração e Economia
PUC Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Administração e Economia
The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, COPPEAD Graduate School of Business
The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, COPPEAD Graduate School of Business
PUC Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
PUC Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Escuela de Negocios de Valparaíso
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Escuela de Negocios de Valparaíso
Universidad del Desarrollo, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
Universidad del Desarrollo, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
CEIBS China Europe International Business School
CEIBS China Europe International Business School
City University of Hong Kong, College of Business
City University of Hong Kong, College of Business
Fudan University, School of Management
Fudan University, School of Management
HKUST The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Business School
HKUST The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Business School
Hong Kong Baptist University, School of Business
Hong Kong Baptist University, School of Business
NCCU National Chengchi University, Department of Business Administration
NCCU National Chengchi University, Department of Business Administration
National Taiwan University, College of Management
National Taiwan University, College of Management
Peking University, Guanghua School of Management
Peking University, Guanghua School of Management
Renmin University of China, Business School
Renmin University of China, Business School
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Antai College of Economics and Management
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Antai College of Economics and Management
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE)
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE)
Sun Yat-sen University, Business School
Sun Yat-sen University, Business School
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Business Administration
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Business Administration
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Faculty of Business
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Faculty of Business
The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Business and Economics
The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Business and Economics
Tongji University, School of Economics and Management
Tongji University, School of Economics and Management
Tsinghua University, School of Economics and Management
Tsinghua University, School of Economics and Management
University of Macau, Faculty of Business Administration
University of Macau, Faculty of Business Administration
Xi`an Jiatong-Liverpool University
Xi`an Jiatong-Liverpool University
INCAE Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas
INCAE Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas
Copenhagen Business School
Copenhagen Business School
Estonian Business School
Estonian Business School
Aalto University School of Business
Aalto University School of Business
Hanken School of Economics
Hanken School of Economics
Audencia Nantes
Audencia Nantes
EM Lyon Business School
EM Lyon Business School
EM Normandie
EM Normandie
EDHEC School of Management
EDHEC School of Management
ESCP Business School
ESCP Business School
ESSEC Business School Paris
ESSEC Business School Paris
Grenoble Ecole de Management
Grenoble Ecole de Management
IAE Aix en Provence
IAE Aix en Provence
ICN Business School
ICN Business School
IÉSEG School of Management
IÉSEG School of Management
Sciences Po (IEP Paris Institut d'Etudes Politiques)
Sciences Po (IEP Paris Institut d'Etudes Politiques)
KEDGE Business School
KEDGE Business School
NEOMA Business School Campus Reims
NEOMA Business School Campus Reims
NEOMA Business School Campus Rouen
NEOMA Business School Campus Rouen
Toulouse Business School
Toulouse Business School
Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Indian School of Business
Indian School of Business
University College Cork
University College Cork
Trinity College
Trinity College
University of Limerick, Kemmy Business School
University of Limerick, Kemmy Business School
Tel Aviv University, Coller School of Management
Tel Aviv University, Coller School of Management
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
Università degli Studi di Siena
Università degli Studi di Siena
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
International University of Japan, Graduate School of International Management
International University of Japan, Graduate School of International Management
Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce
Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce
Kobe University, School of Business Administration
Kobe University, School of Business Administration
Waseda University, Faculty of Commerce
Waseda University, Faculty of Commerce
Brock University, Goodman School of Business
Brock University, Goodman School of Business
Concordia University, John Molson School of Business
Concordia University, John Molson School of Business
HEC Montréal
HEC Montréal
McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business
McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business
Memorial University, Faculty of Business Administration
Memorial University, Faculty of Business Administration
Queen's University, Stephen J. R. Smith School of Business
Queen's University, Stephen J. R. Smith School of Business
Simon Fraser University
Simon Fraser University
The University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business
The University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business
Université Laval, Faculté des Sciences de l'Administration
Université Laval, Faculté des Sciences de l'Administration
University of Alberta, School of Business
University of Alberta, School of Business
University of Manitoba, Asper School of Business
University of Manitoba, Asper School of Business
University of Ottawa, Telfer School of Management
University of Ottawa, Telfer School of Management
University of Saskatchewan
University of Saskatchewan
University of Toronto, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
University of Victoria, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
University of Victoria, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
Western University, Ivey Business School
Western University, Ivey Business School
York University, Schulich School of Business
York University, Schulich School of Business
Stockholm School of Economics
Stockholm School of Economics
ISM University of Management and Economics
ISM University of Management and Economics
University of Malaya, Faculty of Business and Accountancy
University of Malaya, Faculty of Business and Accountancy
ITAM Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
ITAM Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
ITESM Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, EGADE Business School
ITESM Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, EGADE Business School
Universidad Panamericana, Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa, IPADE Business School
Universidad Panamericana, Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa, IPADE Business School
Auckland University of Technology
Auckland University of Technology
The University of Canterbury, College of Business and Economics
The University of Canterbury, College of Business and Economics
The University of Waikato, Waikato Management School
The University of Waikato, Waikato Management School
Victoria University of Wellington, Victoria Business School
Victoria University of Wellington, Victoria Business School
RSM Erasmus University
RSM Erasmus University
BI Norwegian Business School
BI Norwegian Business School
NHH Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
NHH Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
Sultan Qaboos University, College of Economics & Political Science
Sultan Qaboos University, College of Economics & Political Science
ESAN, Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados
ESAN, Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados
Asian Institute of Management
Asian Institute of Management
Warsaw School of Economics
Warsaw School of Economics
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg University, Graduate School of Management
St. Petersburg University, Graduate School of Management
St. Petersburg State University of Economics
St. Petersburg State University of Economics
JIBS Jönköping International Business School
JIBS Jönköping International Business School
Lund University School of Economics and Management
Lund University School of Economics and Management
Stockholm School of Economics
Stockholm School of Economics
University of Gothenburg
University of Gothenburg
Uppsala University
Uppsala University
Geneva School of Economics and Management
Geneva School of Economics and Management
HEC Lausanne
HEC Lausanne
NTU Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School
NTU Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School
NUS National University of Singapore, Faculty of Business Administration
NUS National University of Singapore, Faculty of Business Administration
SMU Singapore Management University
SMU Singapore Management University
ESADE Business School
ESADE Business School
ICADE Universidad Pontificia Comillas
ICADE Universidad Pontificia Comillas
IE Business School
IE Business School
Universidad Carlos III
Universidad Carlos III
Universidad de Deusto, La Comercial
Universidad de Deusto, La Comercial
Universidad de Navarra
Universidad de Navarra
The University of Stellenbosch, USB Business School
The University of Stellenbosch, USB Business School
University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business
University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business
University of Pretoria
University of Pretoria
Korea University, Business School (KUBS)
Korea University, Business School (KUBS)
Seoul National University
Seoul National University
Sungkyunkwan University, Graduate School of Business
Sungkyunkwan University, Graduate School of Business
Yonsei University, School of Business
Yonsei University, School of Business
Chulalongkorn University, Business School and Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration
Chulalongkorn University, Business School and Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration
Mae Fah Luang University
Mae Fah Luang University
Mahidol University
Mahidol University
Thammasat University, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy
Thammasat University, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy
Bilkent University
Bilkent University
Koc University
Koc University
Aston University
Aston University
Lancaster University
Lancaster University
London Business School
London Business School
Newcastle University Business School
Newcastle University Business School
Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham Trent University
The University of Hull, Business School
The University of Hull, Business School
The University of Strathclyde
The University of Strathclyde
Durham University, Business School
Durham University, Business School
University of Bradford
University of Bradford
University of Exeter
University of Exeter
University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business
John Carroll University, Boler School of Business
John Carroll University, Boler School of Business
Michigan State Universtity
Michigan State Universtity
New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business
New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business
North Carolina State University
North Carolina State University
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business Administration
Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business Administration
Pepperdine University, Graziadio Business School
Pepperdine University, Graziadio Business School
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management
Rice University, Jones Graduate School of Business
Rice University, Jones Graduate School of Business
 San Francisco State University
 San Francisco State University
Southern Methodist University, Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University, Cox School of Business
Suffolk University, Sawyer Business School
Suffolk University, Sawyer Business School
Texas A&M University, Mays Business School
Texas A&M University, Mays Business School
The University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business School
The University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business School
The University of Tennessee,  Haslam College of Business
The University of Tennessee, Haslam College of Business
Tulane University, Freeman School of Business
Tulane University, Freeman School of Business
University of Arkansas, Sam M. Walton College of Business
University of Arkansas, Sam M. Walton College of Business
University of Florida, Warrington College of Business
University of Florida, Warrington College of Business
University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Shidler College of Business Administration
University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Shidler College of Business Administration
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business
University of Kansas, Lawrence Campus
University of Kansas, Lawrence Campus
University of Kentucky, Gatton College of Business and Economics
University of Kentucky, Gatton College of Business and Economics
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business
University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business
University of Nevada, The College of Business
University of Nevada, The College of Business
University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business
University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business
University of Pittsburgh, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School
University of Pittsburgh, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School
University of Rochester, Simon Business School
University of Rochester, Simon Business School
University of San Diego, School of Business
University of San Diego, School of Business
University of South Carolina, Moore School of Business
University of South Carolina, Moore School of Business
University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business
University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business
University of Tampa
University of Tampa
University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business
University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business
University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce
University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce
University of Washington, Michael G. Foster Business School
University of Washington, Michael G. Foster Business School
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin School of Business
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin School of Business
Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of Management
Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of Management
Virginia Tech University, Pamplin College of Business
Virginia Tech University, Pamplin College of Business
Washington State University, Carson College of Business
Washington State University, Carson College of Business
Washington University in St. Louis, Olin Business School
Washington University in St. Louis, Olin Business School
Xavier University, Williams College of Business
Xavier University, Williams College of Business
American University, Kogod School of Business
American University, Kogod School of Business
Arizona State University, W.P Carey School of Business
Arizona State University, W.P Carey School of Business
Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business
Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business
Belmont University, Jack C. Massey College of Business
Belmont University, Jack C. Massey College of Business
Brandeis University, Brandeis International Business School
Brandeis University, Brandeis International Business School
Butler University, College of Business
Butler University, College of Business
Chapman University
Chapman University
Columbia University, Columbia Business School
Columbia University, Columbia Business School
Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business
Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business
Drexel University, LeBow College of Business
Drexel University, LeBow College of Business
Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Florida International University, College of Business
Florida International University, College of Business
Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business
Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business
Georgia Institute of Technology, Scheller College of Business
Georgia Institute of Technology, Scheller College of Business
Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest
Universidad ORT, School of Business Administration and Social Sciences
Universidad ORT, School of Business Administration and Social Sciences
IESA Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Admnistración
IESA Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Admnistración
Foreign Trade University
Foreign Trade University
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, International School of Business
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, International School of Business

BSc/MSc Austausch

Die WHU ist stolz darauf, jedes Jahr viele internationale Bachelor- und Master-Austauschstudierende in Vallendar begrüßen zu dürfen.

Vallendar liegt im oberen Mittelrheintal, einem 65 km langen Abschnitt des 1.230 km langen Rheinlaufs. Mit seinen Schlössern, historischen Städten, hoch aufragenden Weinbergen und steilen Hängen gehört dieser Flussabschnitt zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe, an dessen Ufern mehrere Großstädte liegen. Koblenz markiert den Zusammenfluss von Rhein und Mosel. Vallendar ist somit perfekt gelegen und bietet viel zu tun und zu sehen.


Semester 02. September bis 20 Dezember, 2024 (*inkl. Klausur)
Quartal I 02. September bis 25. Oktober, 2024*
Quartal II 28. Oktober bis 26. 20. Dezember, 2024*
Verpflichtende Orientierung 28. - 29. August, 2024*
*unter Vorbehalt  
Semester 13. Januar bis 30. April 2025* (*inkl. Klausur)
Quartal III 13. Januar bis 10. März 2025*
Quartal IV 11. März bis 30. April 2025*
Verpflichtende Orientierung 08. - 09. Januar 2025*
*unter Vorbehalt  
Kurse und Workload an der WHU

Jedes Semester an der WHU ist in zwei Quarter unterteilt. Die meisten Kurse werden daher nur in einem Quarter durchgeführt. Die WHU bietet vierteljährliche Kurse sowie Kompaktkurse mit einer Dauer von nur zwei oder drei vollen Tagen an. Es gibt verschiedene Methoden der Bewertung (Prüfungen, Arbeiten, Präsentationen, etc.).

100% der angebotenen Kurse in den BSc- und MSc-Programmen werden auf Englisch unterrichtet, wobei 20% der BSc-Kurse darüber hinaus auch auf Deutsch angeboten werden. Der übliche Workload für Austauschstudierende beträgt 5 bis 7 Kurse pro Semester. In jedem Fall sollten Sie Ihre Kurswahl jedoch mit Ihrer Heimatuniversität abklären um sicherzustellen, dass das Auslandssemester angerechnet wird.

BSc-Kurse umfassen üblicherweise 24 akademische Stunden, MSc-Kurse in der Regel 30. Credit Points werden an der WHU in ECTS angegeben, 1 ECTS entspricht 25 - 30 Stunden Gesamt-Workload, d. h. einschließlich Semesterwochenstunden, Gruppenarbeiten, Fallstudien, Vorlesungen und Klausurvorbereitung.

Informationen über Kurse, die in den vergangenen Semestern angeboten wurden, finden Sie im Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis.

Die endgültige Kurswahl kann erst nach Beginn des Semesters an der WHU getroffen werden. Während der verpflichtenden Orientierungstage wird es eine separate Info-Session zu diesem Thema geben. Nach Ihrer Ankunft an der WHU haben Sie Zugang zu einem detaillierten Kurs- und Prüfungsplan, der in unserem Intranet verfügbar sein wird. Ihre Zugangsdaten dazu erhalten Sie im Rahmen der Orientierungstage.

Die Benotung an der WHU basiert auf der Leistungskurve des entsprechenden Kurses. Die Notenverteilung hängt dementsprechend von der Gesamtleistung des Kurses ab.

Die Notenskala der WHU:
1.0 bis 1.5 – SEHR GUT
1.6 bis 2.5 - GUT
2.6 bis 3.5 - BEFRIEDIGEND
3.6 bis 4.0 - AUSREICHEND

Bewerbung zum Austauschstudium an der WHU

Wenn Sie an einem Studienaufenthalt an der WHU mit der maximalen Dauer von zwei Semestern interessiert sind und Ihre Heimatuniversität eine Partnerhochschule der WHU ist, können Sie sich nach offizieller Nominierung durch Ihre Hochschule als Austauschstudierender an der WHU bewerben. Für weitere Informationen zum Austauschprogramm Ihrer Hochschule mit der WHU wenden Sie sich bitte an das International Office Ihrer Heimatuniversität.

Sobald wir Ihre offizielle Nominierung als Austauschstudierender von Ihrer Heimathochschule erhalten haben, erhalten Sie von unseren Austauschkoordinatoren weitere Informationen über unser Online-Bewerbungssystem. Nach Einreichung aller Bewerbungsunterlagen erhalten Sie ein Informationspaket und Ihre Immatrikulationsbescheinigung.

Die Nominierungsfrist für das Herbstsemester ist der 1. Juni, die Nominierungsfrist für das Frühjahrssemester ist der 1. Oktober.

Sie benötigen keinen Nachweis über Ihre Englischkenntnisse, wir empfehlen jedoch dringend einen internetbasierten TOEFL-Score von mindestens 95 Punkten.


Wenn Sie an einem 1 - 2-semestrigen Studium an der WHU interessiert sind, Ihre Heimathochschule aber nicht zu unserem Partnernetzwerk, gehört, können Sie von einem Platz als kostenpflichtiger Gaststudierender (Freemover) profitieren.

Um sich als Freemover an der WHU zu bewerben, senden Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung inklusive Lebenslauf, Motivationsschreiben und Zeugnissen an unsere Austauschkoordinatoren. Im Gegensatz zu Austauschstudierenden, deren Studiengebühren durch die Kooperationsvereinbarung zwischen WHU und Heimathochschule abgedeckt sind, müssen Freemover-Studierende der WHU Studiengebühren zahlen.

Unterkünfte in Vallendar

Unser WHU Housing Office unterstützt Sie bei der Wohnungssuche für Ihren Aufenthalt. In Vallendar bietet die WHU mehrere Wohnmöglichkeiten an, die von Studios und Einzelzimmerwohnungen über größere Wohnungen bis hin zu mehreren Zimmern in Wohngemeinschaften reichen. Die Monatsmiete liegt zwischen 425 € und 650 €, je nach Wohnoption. Zusammen mit der Bewerbung für das Austauschsemester können Sie sich um eine Unterkunft bewerben – füllen Sie einfach das Formular "Unterkunft für Austauschstudierende" aus und senden es an unser Housing Office. Weitere Informationen zum Thema Wohnen für internationale Studierende finden Sie hier.

Die Verteilung des Wohnraums erfolgt nach dem First-Come-First-Serve-Prinzip - eine frühzeitige Bewerbung zahlt sich also aus! Das Housing Office wird sich kurz nach Eingang Ihres Antrags mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen. Vor Ihrer Ankunft an der WHU erhalten Sie einen detaillierten Lageplan und eine Beschreibung der Wohnung. Nach Annahme der vorgeschlagenen Unterkunft erhalten Sie den Mietvertrag. Dies ist ein verbindliches Dokument, Sie mieten die Wohnung damit für die gesamte Dauer Ihres Aufenthalts. Dieser Vertrag kann in keiner Weise widerrufen werden.

MBA Austausch

Die WHU ist stolz darauf, jedes Jahr viele internationale MBA Austauschstudierende in Düsseldorf begrüßen zu dürfen.

Düsseldorf (ca. 600.000 Einwohner) liegt in Nordrhein-Westfalen und verfügt über eine sehr gute Infrastruktur, was z. B. die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel betrifft. Das Stadtbild von Düsseldorf ist von verschiedenen Kulturen geprägt. Unter anderem ist Düsseldorf die Heimat der größten japanischen Gemeinde Deutschlands. Internationalität, die Funktion als Landeshauptstadt und die starke Wirtschaft – all das macht Düsseldorf einzigartig. Darüber hinaus bietet die Stadt ein breites Angebot an sportlichen und kulturellen Aktivitäten, insbesondere für unsere Studierenden.


Flexible Semesterdaten 01. September bis 31. Dezember 2024*
Orientierungsveranstaltung Wird individuell vereinbart
Flexible Semesterdaten 01. Januar bis 31. August 2025*
Orientierungsveranstaltung Wird individuell vereinbart
Kurse und Workload an der WHU

Das MBA-Austauschprogramm setzt sich aus den regulären Vollzeit- und Teilzeit-MBA-Programmen der WHU zusammen und beinhaltet Themen wie Marketing & Sales, Advanced Finance & Accounting, Operations, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Organization. Die Vorlesungen sind interaktiv (Gastredner, Firmenbesuche, reale Fallstudien, etc.) und werden von renommierten Professoren in kleinen Gruppen gehalten, was eine ausgezeichnete Betreuung gewährleistet.

Die Kursangebote sind in der Regel 2 - 3 Monate vor Semesterbeginn verfügbar und werden den Studierenden per Email zugesandt. Die Kursregistrierung findet etwa 2 Monate vor Semesterbeginn statt und erfolgt ebenfalls per Email. Jeder Vollzeit- und Teilzeit-MBA-Kurs ist 3 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) wert. 1 ECTS entspricht 8 akademischen Stunden bzw. 25 - 30 Stunden Gesamt-Workload, d. h. einschließlich Semesterwochenstunden, Gruppenarbeiten, Fallstudien, Vorlesungen und Klausurvorbereitung. Ein normales Arbeitspensum an der WHU sind 5 - 7 Kurse pro Semester. Allerdings sollten Sie Ihre Kurswahl immer mit Ihrer Heimatuniversität absprechen, um die Anerkennung Ihres Auslandssemesters sicherzustellen.

Career Services:

Zusätzlich zum regulären Kursangebot können unsere Austauschstudierenden die exzellenten Serviceangebote unseres Career Centers nutzen:

  • Veranstaltungen zum Netzwerken, inklusive Unternehmenspräsentationen
  • Recruiting-Veranstaltungen an unserem Campus in Vallendar
  • Kundenspezifischer Career Center Newsletter, inklusive Job- und Praktikumsdatenbank

Besuchen Sie die Internetseite unseres ausgezeichneten Career Centers für zusätzliche Informationen.

Bewerbung zum Auslandsstudium

Nachdem Ihre Heimatuniversität Ihre Nominierung per Email an den MBA Austauschkoordinator der WHU geschickt hat, erhalten Sie per Email Anweisungen für das Online-Bewerbungsverfahren. Kurz nach Ablauf der Bewerbungsfrist bearbeiten wir die vollständigen Online-Bewerbungen und senden die Zulassungsbescheide elektronisch an das International Office Ihrer Heimatuniversität.

Nominierungsfrist für das Herbstsemester ist der 1. Juni, Nominierungsfrist für das Frühjahrssemester ist der 1. Oktober.

MBA Austauschstudierende können sich für unser MBA Austauschprogramm bewerben, wenn sie folgende Zulassungsvoraussetzungen erfüllen:

Mindestalter: 24 Jahre
Eine der folgenden Englisch-Sprachanforderungen nachweisen:
Englisch als Muttersprache
Ein abgeschlossenes oder gegenwärtiges Studium in einem Studiengang, der komplett auf Englisch unterrichtet und geprüft wird
Internet-basiertes TOEFL Testergebnis von mindestens 100 Punkten
IELTS Testergebnis von mindestens 7.0
Nur für MSc Studierende: eine mindestens zweijährige Berufserfahrung (Vollzeitbeschäftigung oder Vollzeitpraktikum)


Wenn Ihre Heimatuniversität keine WHU-Partneruniversität ist (siehe Liste der WHU-Partneruniversitäten), können Sie sich unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen als Freemover an der WHU bewerben. Für weitere Informationen zu unserem Freemover-Programm und unseren aktuellen Studiengebühren für Freemover wenden Sie sich bitte an den MBA Austauschkoordinator.

Kostenloses Nahverkehrsticket für das Land NRW

Im Gegensatz zu Vallendar steht der WHU in Düsseldorf leider nicht die Möglichkeit zur Verfügung, ihren MBA Austauschstudierenden eine Unterkunft in einem Studentenwohnheim anzubieten. Nach Ablauf der Bewerbungsfrist erhalten die Austauschstudierenden deshalb wichtige Informationen per Email, die sie für ihre Wohnungssuche nutzen können. Es liegt in der Verantwortung jedes einzelnen Studierenden, selbstständig eine Unterkunft zu finden, jedoch helfen und beraten wir Sie gerne während des gesamten Prozesses.

Der WHU Campus Düsseldorf liegt in Flingern Süd, nahe der Innenstadt und der "Studierenden"-Viertel wie Pempelfort, Friedrichstadt, Unterbilk, Düsseltal und dem Szeneviertel Flingern Nord. Unsere Austauschstudierenden erhalten ein kostenloses Nahverkehrsticket für das Land NRW, welches Fahrten mit allen öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln in Städte innerhalb des Bundeslandes (z. B. nach Köln, Aachen, etc.) und innerhalb Düsseldorfs ermöglicht. 

Private Appartements variieren stark im Preis und liegen zwischen 400 € und 600 € je nach Ausstattung, Größe und Lage. Strom, Heizung, Wasser, usw. sind in der Regel nicht im Mietpreis enthalten und werden separat bezahlt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Mietkaution in Höhe von bis zu drei Monatskaltmieten erforderlich sein kann.

Vor und nach der Ankunft – Wir unterstützen Sie.

Untenstehend finden Sie nützliche Informationen, um Ihren Auslandsaufenthalt vorzubereiten. Nach Ihrer Ankunft teilen wir Ihnen alles Wissenswerte zum Leben und Studieren an der WHU mit. Wir werden Ihnen außerdem dabei helfen, sich in Deutschland sowie der Hochschulumgebung  und nicht zuletzt in unserer Studierendenschaft zurechtzufinden.

Die studentische Initiative VIP (Vallendar Integration Program) unterstützt das International Relations Office mit der Organisation von Ausflügen und Events, sowohl in der Begrüßungswoche als auch während des Semesters. Unter anderem organisiert VIP verschiedene Teambuilding-Aktionen, sowie Grillpartys und Kneipentouren.

Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Liste an Gegenständen, die Sie für Ihr Auslandssemester an der WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management mitbringen sollten.


  • Immatrikulationsbescheinigung
  • Nachweis der Krankenversicherung
  • Reisepass (oder gleichwertiges Dokument)
  • Originale und Kopien aller Reisedokumente
  • Lokale Währung (Euro)


  • Smartphone
  • Kamera
  • Laptop
  • Tablet
  • Adapter (In Deutschland werden zweipolige Rundstecker verwendet, die Spannung beträgt 230V/50 Hz.)
  • Ladegerät für alle elektronischen Geräte
  • Wetterangepasste Kleidung (für wärmere Tage, aber auch für den Winter)
  • Regenschirm
  • Medikamente (falls erforderlich)
  • Kleidung (Business Casual) für Präsentationen und Firmenbesuche
  • Ersatzbrille oder Kontaktlinsen
  • Sonnenbrille
  • Rucksack

Download der Packliste

Bitte kümmern Sie sich so früh wie möglich um Visaangelegenheiten, damit Ihr Auslandssemester problemlos beginnen kann. Da Sie das Visum in Ihrem Heimatland (oder Wohnsitzland) beantragen müssen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, mindestens zwei Monate vor Ihrer Abreise damit zu beginnen. Visa werden niemals in Deutschland ausgestellt! Bitte wenden Sie sich immer an Ihr örtliches Deutsches Konsulat oder besuchen Sie dessen Website um herauszufinden, ob Sie zur Einreise nach Deutschland/Europa ein Visum benötigen. Einen aktuellen Überblick erhalten Sie auf der Website des Auswärtigen Amts.

In der Regel wird Ihr Visum für drei Monate ausgestellt, auch wenn Sie länger in Deutschland bleiben. Nachdem Sie mit einem Visum nach Deutschland eingereist sind, können Sie eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung beantragen, um Ihren gesamten Aufenthalt abzudecken.

Wenn Sie ein Visum benötigen, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Sie ein Studentenvisum beantragen, da ein Touristenvisum für einen Studienaufenthalt in Deutschland nicht gültig ist. Touristenvisa können nachträglich nicht mehr in Studentenvisa umgewandelt werden!

Alle Nicht-EU-Bürger, die sich länger als drei Monate in Deutschland aufhalten, müssen nach der Einreise offiziell eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis beantragen. Sie müssen dies nach Ihrer Ankunft in der Ausländerbehörde in Koblenz erledigen. Das International Relations Office unterstützt Sie dabei und informiert Sie während der Orientierungstage ausführlich über den Prozess. Um Zeit zu sparen, empfehlen wir Ihnen dringend, die erforderlichen Dokumente bereits vor der Abreise aus Ihrem Heimatland zusammenzustellen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie das IRO bzgl. der Dauer Ihrer Aufenthaltserlaubnis, bevor Sie Ihre Flüge buchen. Für Ihre Aufenthaltserlaubnis müssen Sie die folgenden Dokumente mitbringen:

  • Biometrisches Passfoto
  • Gültige Passkopie (nur die Seite mit Ihrem Foto und den persönlichen Daten; falls Sie ein Visum haben, auch eine Kopie der Visums-Seite)
  • Kopie der WHU-Immatrikulationsbescheinigung
  • Kopie (oder Ausdruck) eines aktuell datierten Nachweises über ausreichende Geldmittel (mindestens 934 € pro Monat) in englischer oder deutscher Sprache (Kontoauszug, Nachweis der Bank, Stipendienbescheinigung und/oder Banknachweis der Eltern einschließlich Kontoauszug der Eltern)
  • Kopie der gültigen Krankenversicherungsdokumente in englischer oder deutscher Sprache

Wir empfehlen allen Nicht-EU-Bürgern, die kein Visum für die Einreise nach Deutschland benötigen, Ihre Aufenthaltserlaubnis erst nach Ihrer Ankunft in Deutschland zu beantragen. Wenn Sie bereits eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis in Ihrem Heimatland/Wohnsitzland beantragen, müssen Sie einen erneuten Antrag bei der Ausländerbehörde in Koblenz stellen, was zusätzliche Kosten verursacht.

Praktika in Deutschland

Austauschstudierende können nach ihrem Aufenthalt an der WHU ein Praktikum absolvieren. Für alle Nicht-EU-Bürger ist es wichtig, dass das Praktikum rechtlich zulässig ist.

Option 1 (nur Frühjahrssemester):

Studierende, die während des Frühjahrssemesters an der WHU studieren, können ein Vollzeit-Praktikum mit einer Dauer von bis zu 120 Tagen absolvieren, sofern der Zeitraum durch die über die WHU beantragte Aufenthaltserlaubnis abgedeckt ist. Das Frühjahrssemester dauert offiziell von Anfang Januar bis Ende August, ab Anfang Mai findet jedoch kein Unterricht mehr statt. Dies erlaubt Ihnen, in der restlichen Zeit bis Ende August ein Praktikum zu absolvieren oder zu reisen. Hierzu ist kein gesonderter Antrag erforderlich.

Option 2 (Frühjahrs- und Herbstsemester)

Studierende, die sich während des Frühjahrs- und Herbstsemesters an der WHU befinden, haben die Möglichkeit bis zu 240 Tage in Teilzeit zu arbeiten, sofern der Zeitraum durch die über die WHU beantragte Aufenthaltserlaubnis abgedeckt ist. Hierzu ist kein gesonderter Antrag erforderlich.

Option 3

Studierende, die sich in einem der beiden Semester an der WHU befinden, können ein studienbezogenes Pflichtpraktikum im Rahmen einer studentischen Nebentätigkeit absolvieren. Sie müssen die Ausländerbehörde über die Verlängerung Ihres Aufenthalts informieren. In manchen Fällen muss die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Abteilung ZAV) involviert werden.

Option 4

In allen anderen Fällen müssen Sie eine Arbeitserlaubnis beantragen. Stellen Sie den Antrag auf Arbeitserlaubnis direkt nachdem Sie die Zusage der Firma haben, da der Genehmigungsprozess bis zu sechs Wochen in Anspruch nehmen kann.

Ein Visum erlaubt Ihnen in der Regel nicht, in Deutschland zu arbeiten oder ein Praktikum zu machen. Falls Sie also ein Visum haben, das bereits Ihren kompletten Aufenthalt in Deutschland abdeckt UND Sie hier während dieser Zeit arbeiten oder ein Praktikum machen möchten, müssen Sie wahrscheinlich zusätzlich eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung (oder Arbeitserlaubnis, siehe die Optionen oben) beantragen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie in diesem Fall Ihren WHU-Austauschkoordinator, um die aktuellsten Informationen über die möglichen Optionen zu erhalten.

Weitere Details über die notwendigen Schritte erfragen Sie bitte beim International Relations Office. Darüber hinaus werden Sie Informationen dazu in Ihrem Welcome Package finden, das Sie bei Ankunft an der WHU erhalten.

Alle Austauschstudierenden haben Zugang zu unserem Career Center und seinen Veranstaltungen. Nutzen Sie Ihre Chance zum Netzwerken!

Kontakt: Andre Betz

Das deutsche Gesundheitssystem gilt als eines der besten und umfasst ein dichtes Netz von Krankenhäusern und Ärzten. Die medizinischen Einrichtungen sind mit der neuesten Technologie ausgestattet, und das nationale Krankenversicherungssystem bietet eine nahezu vollständige Abdeckung der meisten medizinischen Behandlungen und Arzneimittel. Wenn Sie in Deutschland leben, müssen Sie eine gültige Krankenversicherung nachweisen.

Aus diesem Grund müssen alle Austauschstudierenden bei Ankunft an der WHU einen gültigen Versicherungsnachweis einreichen. Die folgenden Aspekte müssen abgedeckt und im Versicherungsnachweis ersichtlich sein:

  • Zeitraum Ihres gesamten Aufenthaltes in Deutschland
  • Region: Deutschland
  • Notfälle
  • Alle medizinischen Kosten

Bitte beachten Sie, dass für alle Austauschstudierenden in Deutschland eine Krankenversicherung verpflichtend ist, die Krankheiten, Notfälle und alle medizinischen Kosten vollständig abdeckt.

EU-Bürger, die innerhalb der Europäischen Union reisen oder leben, können von der Krankenkasse ihres Heimatlandes eine Europäische Krankenversicherungskarte (EHIC) erhalten. Die EHIC vereinfacht das Verfahren bei der Inanspruchnahme medizinischer Hilfe während Ihres Aufenthalts in einem EU-Mitgliedsstaat und ist als Versicherungsnachweis ausreichend.

Nicht-EU-Bürger ohne EHIC müssen ein Bestätigungsschreiben in englischer oder deutscher Sprache von Ihrem Versicherungsträger mitführen. Dieses Bestätigungsschreiben muss alle oben genannten Aspekte enthalten (Zeitraum, Region, Notfalldeckung und Deckung aller medizinischen Kosten) sowie Ihren Namen (d. h. der Name eines Elternteils oder eines anderen Familienmitglieds ist nicht ausreichend). Wenn nur einer dieser fünf Aspekte nicht in Ihrem Krankenversicherungsnachweis aufgeführt wird, werden die Behörden diesen Nachweis nicht akzeptieren!

Wenn Sie keine Krankenversicherung haben, oder wenn die oben genannten Aspekte nicht im Bestätigungsschreiben Ihres Versicherungsträgers enthalten sind oder sein können, müssen Sie eine (Zusatz-)Krankenversicherung abschließen. Das International Relations Office unterstützt Sie gerne dabei.

Kontakt: Andre Betz


Die offizielle in Deutschland verwendete Währung ist der Euro (€).


MasterCard, Visa und American Express werden in der Regel in den großen Hotels akzeptiert. Sie werden jedoch in Restaurants, Supermärkten oder anderen Geschäften oft nicht akzeptiert. Geldautomaten sind in ganz Deutschland überall zu finden und Sie sollten keine Probleme haben, auf Ihr Konto zuzugreifen.


In Deutschland sind Überweisungen, Daueraufträge und Lastschriften üblich. Es ist sehr unüblich, einen Scheck auszustellen, um die Miete zu bezahlen.


Zur Eröffnung eines Kontos benötigen Sie folgende Dokumente:

  • Reisepass
  • Email-Konto
  • Nachweis des rechtmäßigen Wohnsitzes mit Adresse in Vallendar oder Düsseldorf (Diesen erhalten Sie durch Anmeldung im Rathaus.)
  • Ein Dokument mit Ihrer Privatadresse (Am besten Dokumente, die Sie von der WHU erhalten haben, und die Ihre Privatadresse enthalten.)

Das Bank-Prozedere wird in deutscher Sprache durchgeführt. Wenn Sie Ihren Austausch in Vallendar absolvieren, können Sie die notwendigen Unterlagen in der Sparkassen-Filiale in Vallendar abgeben, und wir werden uns um einen Termin kümmern.


Bevor Sie Deutschland verlassen, müssen Sie Ihr Bankkonto wieder schließen. Gehen Sie einfach ein paar Tage vor Ihrer Abreise zur Bank und teilen dort mit, dass Sie das Land bald wieder verlassen. Vier Tage vor der Kontoauflösung dürfen keine Kontobewegungen mehr stattfinden, d. h. Sie sollten Ihre Bankkarte in dieser Zeit nicht mehr verwenden.

Bei den Lebenshaltungskosten liegt Deutschland im EU-Durchschnitt und ist somit nicht übermäßig teuer.

Wir schätzen Ihre Lebenshaltungskosten auf 800 € bis 1.200 € pro Monat. Ihre Ausgaben hängen hauptsächlich von Ihrer Unterkunft und der Art und Weise Ihrer Freizeitgestaltung ab (z.B. Reisen, Essen gehen, Konzerte, Nutzung von Sportanlagen, Besuch von Museen und Clubs).

Hier ein Beispiel für das monatliche Budget eines durchschnittlichen Austauschstudierenden:

  • Unterkunft: zwischen 400 € und 650 €
  • Mobiltelefon: 30 €
  • Essen: 200 €
  • Wäsche/Reinigung: 20 €
  • Nahverkehr nach Koblenz: 70 € (Monatsticket Bus)
  • Krankenversicherung: obligatorisch für Arztkosten und Notfälle (ca. 50 € bei Erwerb in Deutschland)
  • Sonstiges (Freizeitaktivitäten): 300 €


Für Europäische Austauschstudierende:
Die WHU wurde von der Europäischen Kommission mit der ERASMUS-Hochschulcharta ausgezeichnet. Unser ERASMUS-Code lautet D KOBLENZ03. Wenn Ihre Heimathochschule ebenfalls über eine ERASMUS ECHE Charta verfügt, haben Sie möglicherweise Anspruch auf eine ERASMUS+-Förderung. Bitte wenden Sie sich dazu an Ihren Austauschkoordinator an Ihrer Heimathochschule.

Informationen zur Erstellung des Online Learning Agreements (OLA):

Receiving Institution Information:
Country: Germany
Name: WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
Faculty/Department: International Relations Office
Address: Burgplatz 2, 56179 Vallendar, Germany
ERASMUS Code: DKoblenz03

Receiving Responsible Person:
Name: Kristina Schwanitz
Position: Exchange Coordinator Europe
Email: Kristina.schwanitz@whu.edu
Phone number: +492616509163

Receiving Administrative Contact Person:
Same as above


Für Nicht-Europäische Austauschstudierende:
Derzeit können wir keine Stipendien für Austauschstudierende von nicht-Europäischen Hochschulen anbieten. Wir empfehlen Ihnen jedoch, sich an den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) zu wenden, wo Sie weitere Informationen zu Stipendienmöglichkeiten finden.


ERASMUS + 2021 - 2027

Der WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management wurde die ECHE Charta verliehen. Zudem ist die WHU Mitglied des ERASMUS+ Netzwerks.

  • Jede Hochschule, die am Erasmus+-Programm teilnimmt oder teilnehmen möchte, muss im Besitz einer gültigen Erasmus-Charta (ECHE) sein.
  • Die Erasmus-Charta (ECHE) wird von der Europäischen Kommission vergeben. Diese weist nach, dass die Hochschule alle Voraussetzungen erfüllt, um erfolgreich am ERASMUS+-Programm teilnehmen zu können. Gemäß den von der Europäischen Kommission festgelegten Voraussetzungen müssen sowohl ECHE als auch die European Policy Statement (EPS) auf der Website der Hochschule veröffentlicht werden.
  • ERASMUS University Charta
  • ERASMUS Policy Statement (EPS)
  • ERASMUS Student Charter


ERASMUS + 2014 - 2021


§     Haftungsklausel

Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Der Autor ist für den Inhalt dieser Publikation verantwortlich. Die Kommission haftet nicht für die Nutzung der Inhalte.

Weitere Informationen zu den ERASMUS+ Mobilitätsprogrammen können angefordert werden unter

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Nationale Agentur für EU-Hochschulzusammenarbeit
Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn
Tel.: +49(0)228/882-8877
Fax: +49(0)228/882-555
E-Mail: erasmus@daad.de

Detaillierte Informationen dazu finden sich auf der Website der Europäischen Kommission.

In eigenen Worten - Erfahrungen unserer Auslandsbotschafter

Sie möchten die wichtigsten Informationen aus erster Hand erfahren? Unsere Auslandsbotschafter, die ein Austauschsemester oder -jahr an der WHU verbracht haben, können Ihnen alle Fragen beantworten und wertvolle praktische Tipps geben. Nachfolgend finden Sie Statements von früheren Teilnehmern in Düsseldorf und Vallendar.

Unsere Auslandsbotschafter freuen sich über Ihre Email.

BSc/MSc Study Abroad Ambassadors

Pundita Kasemsup
Chulalongkorn University
„Being an exchange student at WHU has brought me great joy and happiness. The WHU community has been incredibly supportive, and the positive energy and camaraderie on campus have made me feel like a part of the family. Through this experience, I have gained a better understanding of my values and beliefs, as well as those of others. I feel truly lucky to have been a part of such a wonderful community, and I am grateful for the memories and lessons learned during my time here.“
Anjali Raghavendra
Trinity College Dublin
„Being on exchange at WHU Germany has been an amazing experience. Being on an Erasmus exchange in my bachelors opened up so many opportunities to immerse myself in Germany’s rich culture as well as the WHU community. I have met many passionate students who are excited about their careers and have an amazing college spirit unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.

From the parties to the amazing networking events, and organised trips, there is so much to see and learn. The students and staff are all incredibly helpful and considerate, and the college spares no expense in helping you integrate and feel more at home during your time here.The wide range of classes have a focus on practical teaching that leave you with a chance for skill development as well as subject matter knowledge. One of the highlights of my exchange experience was the incredible boat party, which was an opportunity to meet and socialise with many students from different backgrounds.

Overall, this exchange program has been a great opportunity for personal growth, learning, and cultural immersion. I am grateful for the support from both Trinity College Dublin and WHU that made this opportunity possible. I have gained a greater appreciation for different cultures and a better understanding of the global community, and I would highly recommend an exchange experience to any student looking to broaden their horizons.“
Julianna Totoni
Schulich School of Business
„Choosing to go on exchange to WHU was by far one of the best decisions I have made. It felt as though we were immediately welcomed into the community with open arms, with anything we needed already in place. I loved having the chance to meet amazing people from around the world, practice my language skills, immerse myself in German culture and benefit from engaging classes with passionate professors. I truly made memories to last a lifetime and count myself lucky having been able to spend an amazing semester at WHU surrounded by incredible people. I felt right at home at WHU and if I was offered the chance to do it all over again, I would choose WHU a thousand times over.“
Elena Rossi
Università Bocconi
„The WHU spirit and pride is something hard to find anywhere else, and in Vallendar there is such a special community. I enjoyed every day spent here, and at the end of this experience I would like to not go back home. It was an amazing time; people are very friendly and always ready to help and include you in their parties! There are always lots of events and different things to do; my favorite was the Tauschie dinner and the Tauschie Tuesday, where I had the opportunity to feel like a full-time student. The quality of the lessons is very high and professors are very prepared and ready to answer any questions. There’s nothing I don’t like about WHU and about the time spent here. I really hope I can come back to Vallendar one day and visit all the amazing people I know here!“
Seira Sawa
Waseda University
„I have spent 9 months at WHU as an exchange student from Japan. This exchange program gave me special memories with international friends from all over the world. I met new people here through the Tauschie and International events which helped me to expand my perspective. Also, I really liked the courses. There are many opportunities where we can output things that we learn, and during group work we can cooperate with other students who have different cultural backgrounds. Germany is far away from Japan, and I hadn't been to Europe, so most of the things that I saw here were new to me. I really enjoyed this adventure at WHU and I would like to recommend you to come here and enjoy a memorable time in the international environment.“
Quynh Chau Nguyen
Foreign Trade University
„All of the courses of WHU are insightful and diverse. There are also many interesting seminars and events that are both academic and socially beneficial. I personally enjoy its finance courses, which are up-to-date and the professors are extremely experienced. WHU is definitely one of the best business schools and I feel really lucky to have this experience.“
Sarah Moyer
University of Kansas
„Studying abroad at WHU was the best decision I could have made for my exchange semester. I was here for a short time of four months, but during that time I never had a dull moment: there were always events to attend, networking opportunities, and places to see. Vallendar is a small town, but in so, I was able to truly connect with the people here and create life-long friendships.

The courses here were unique in the way that group work is encouraged in nearly every course and the competitive culture pushed you to present your very best. I was welcomed in my group projects by the German students, and they gave me insight on their favorite foods to try, events at WHU, and more. I often stayed late with them enjoying tea or trying a currywurst for the first time as they explained to me various parts about the culture in WHU and Germany.

Because of the flexible schedule for courses, I was able to travel to seven different countries and countless towns and cities in Germany. My independence has group immensely as I’ve learned to navigate in foreign countries. I didn’t expect my goodbye to Germany to be this hard, but I’m endlessly grateful for this experience.“
Wan-Ni Tay
National University of Singapore
„My exchange experience at WHU has been transformative and eventful journey that opened doors to a diverse range of cultures and friendships from across the globe. Exploring Germany and Europe with the new connections formed here has served as a huge personal growth for me to step out of my comfort zone. Beyond academics, WHU has also hosted a series of activities such as tours, workshops and parties to create a sense of belonging among us exchangers. These events has provided me opportunities to form new bonds and learn more about Germany. The spirit on the campus and vibes around the town has truly made Vallendar a special place in my heart, and created memories I’ll cherish forever. These experience of exploring new cities, tasting unfamiliar cuisines and embracing different cultures is something I’ll never forget. Proost!“
Tyrone James
Nottingham Trent University
United Kingdom
„One of the defining features of WHU is the warm and inclusive community that extends a welcoming embrace to students from all corners of the globe. From the moment you step onto campus, you'll find a supportive environment that values diversity, fosters inclusivity, and celebrates every student's unique perspectives. If you are thinking of spending your semester aboard here, I would recommend it.“
Maria Luisa Bravo
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
„If I had to put into a short statement what my experience was like at WHU I would say that:
Studying at WHU is an experience I recommend to everyone. At the university you will find a strong community that will have your back and you will be able to build friendships that will last a lifetime.“
Myrsini Griva
Emlyon Business School
„During my time at WHU, I had the incredible opportunity to form strong friendships with amazing people from all over the world. Exploring Vallendar, Koblenz, and nearby cities and countries became even more enjoyable thanks to these connections.
The warm reception, the professionalism of professors, and the valuable real-life insights from guest lectures made my academic experience exceptional.
Additionally, I'm truly grateful for the outstanding integration efforts for exchange students throughout the semester, including parties, events, and tours. These initiatives not only enriched my experience but also provided the perfect backdrop for forming meaningful friendships. WHU has been more than just a learning environment for me, it's also where I found a global community of friends and experiences.“
Seonghyun Kim
Korea University
South Korea
„WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management has truly exceeded my expectations as a study abroad destination. The diverse range of programs and initiatives tailored for exchange students is commendable. From language courses to cultural immersion trips, WHU fosters an inclusive and enriching environment for international students. The campus facilities are top-notch, providing a conducive atmosphere for both academic excellence and extracurricular engagement. As an exchange student, (or a tauchie, as we are called here) I've felt welcomed and supported every step of the way, thanks to the dedicated faculty and staff who go above and beyond to ensure our success. Opting for WHU as my exchange destination has undeniably been a turning point in my life, opening doors to new perspectives and opportunities I never thought possible. WHU's commitment to providing a transformative experience for its students is truly commendable, and I feel privileged to have been a part of this vibrant community. Don't hesitate to start your journey to WHU!“
Kayleigh Morgan
University of Oregon
United States of America
„Studying abroad at WHU has been an extraordinary journey that has brought me immense joy. I have cherished every moment in Vallendar, where the school fosters a welcoming environment with numerous events and meetings. WHU is highly effective in providing essential information and prepares students thoroughly for their study abroad experience. My knowledge of international business and marketing has grown significantly through engaging lectures and expert professors. I am deeply grateful for this valuable experience and the life long connections I've made. If you have any questions or need advice, feel free to contact me.
Adrian Wong
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong Kong
„As a university student from Hong Kong, currently on an exchange semester at WHU in Vallendar, Germany, my experience here has been absolutely amazing! Being immersed in a new culture, language, and academic environment has been eye-opening and incredibly rewarding. The people at WHU are so friendly and welcoming, and I've made friends from all around the world. The classes are challenging but engaging, and they've really expanded my perspective on global business. Outside of class, I've had a blast exploring the beautiful surroundings, attending cultural events, and going on adventures throughout Europe. I would highly recommend WHU to any student looking for an unforgettable exchange experience!“
Thitaporn Sornsumran
Chulalongkorn University
„My time as an exchange student at WHU has truly been a life-changing journey. Over the past four months, I had a lot of fun and met so many incredible people. WHU staff and students organized lots of cool stuff to help us get to know each other and learn about German and other different cultures. These all make me really feel that WHU has become a second home to me. I've also made friends here that I know I'll keep in touch with forever. It's been an unforgettable memory, and I'm grateful for every moment here.“
Chandran Kalra
ESCP Business School
„I was nominated by my university for an MBA exchange program at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management for my final semester. From day one, this experience was nothing short of transformative. I've had the privilege of immersing myself in a vibrant academic environment, learning from world-class professors and industry experts, and delving into cutting-edge business strategies that have expanded my perspective in ways I never thought possible. From Entrepreneurship to Leadership, every class was a stepping stone towards personal and professional growth.

And beyond the classroom, it's the richness of cultural exchange that left its mark on me. Every interaction, whether it was over a cup of coffee or during group projects, has been an opportunity to learn and grow alongside incredibly talented people from diverse backgrounds. The bonds of friendship formed during my time at WHU are ones I will cherish forever.

My time at WHU has not only equipped me with the skills needed to excel in the global marketplace but has also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the beauty of diversity and the value of cross-cultural understanding. Thank you, WHU, for an unforgettable experience that has shaped me in ways I never imagined. I'm filled with immense gratitude and a profound sense of growth

MBA Study Abroad Ambassadors

Brittney Wade
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
„Studying abroad is a common experience during undergraduate studies in the United States, however, I never had the opportunity to do so. Coming to WHU was an opportunity to finally have this experience. From the moment I came to campus, I felt very welcomed by the MBA program office as well as the other students. The school also provided ample resources to me and the other exchange students to make sure we were comfortable navigating WHU, Düsseldorf, and the surrounding areas. Finally, the classroom experience has been a unique change from my home school, which allowed me to see learning in a new context.“
Ankit Ranjan
McMaster University
„I chose WHU because of its stellar ranking, entrepreneurial environment, and the central location of the Dusseldorf campus - and it really paid off! The school has excellent facilities, faculty, and the best and brightest students from across the world. Their curriculum integrates modern business principles and tools and the academic office makes every effort to help you build your customized academic plan to fit your exchange schedule.

WHU's integration efforts like the Cologne cathedral and brewery tours and exploring the Dusseldorf Altstadt really helped me integrate into the multi-cultural Dusseldorf society. Overall, my experience has been 11/10 and I'd recommend an exchange term at WHU in a heartbeat!“
Soumya Nagarajan
Indian School of Business
„As someone who worked in Operations and Supply chain, WHU was one of my top choices for an exchange program. The spirit and curriculum of WHU is unique and student friendly. I had a wonderful time while studying here and, in my interactions with my peers and the faculty. There are multiple events both cultural and academic. There is so much to do here, and the school's enthusiasm is profound. The exchange program gave me an opportunity to interact with students of at least 12 nationalities. The classes were fun and engaging. The eminent professors ensure to impart the best learning experiences. This program helped me develop better networking opportunities, provide a global outlook on business development and a fun filled term with lifelong friendships.“
Jonathan Peralta
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
„WHU not only provided an amazing academic and cultural experience through it's fantastic professors and flexible scheduling that allow exploring, but also the opportunity to make lifelong friends and connections. I bonded with fellow exchange students more than expected. I feel that choosing my exchange to be at WHU is one of the best decisions I've made!“
Sanika Muley
ESCP Business School
„WHU has been a delightful experience. I came here for an exchange semester with the idea of making the most of the opportunity. WHU offers a wide range of core courses and electives. I took a total of 8 courses and each of them was holistic in terms of content. The focus on practical application, learning from case studies, and working in groups were highly enjoyable. My personal favorite was the Mid-term strategy challenge, where teams competed against each in a multiple-round business game simulation. It was indeed a hands-on learning experience in strategy formulation, execution, and decision-making. Moreover, I thoroughly enjoyed the enriching in-class discussions and coffee chats with students from a highly distinguished cohort.“
Dale Bai
Rotman, University of Toronto
„WHU Dusseldorf has been a fantastic experience with welcoming staff, friendly cohort, and amazing professors. There are even resident swans on campus! Dusseldorf, although relatively small, is a centrally located city on the river with plenty of great food and fun. The location also allows easy travel across Europe. I have been really enjoying my time here both academically and for leisure!“
Jocephine Chai
National Taiwan University
„There are too many perks to being an exchange student here at WHU. WHU is home to many entrepreneurs and professionals. The flexibility here was one of its kind and gave students the freedom to take as many courses taught by outstanding professors that worked with anyone's schedule. My experiences were beyond expectation and incredible. Feel free to contact me if you need a confidence boost to start your next journey at WHU!“
Umang Solanki
ESCP Business School
„My experience at WHU has been phenomenal. In terms of academic aspects, I liked the dynamic approach of the professors. In one of the courses, we employed ChatGPT, which was released just a few weeks before the course. The administration and MBA office staff really are supportive, even helping me practice my German. The Exchange office organized Düsseldorf and Köln (Cologne) city tours, which are great onboarding experiences to know the local culture. Another thing to be appreciated about the campus is its central location in Western Europe. One can take a train anytime and you’re in a different country in a few hours.“
Nikhil Mittal
National University of Singapore
„MBA Exchange is a great way to experience a new culture, meet new people, travel, and grow. I chose WHU because of its reputation and location in Europe. I had never been to Europe before, so living and studying in Düsseldorf (Germany) for 4 months during the Fall 2022 semester was amazing. Germany is the center of Europe and offers so much to explore. The constant support from the IR & MBA offices, the quality of professors & students, and the frequent career & social events made my experience even richer. I liked studying Private Equity, Entrepreneurial Finance, Negotiations, and Family Business courses. Additionally, I enjoyed learning German and traveling to nearby countries. Overall, I am pretty happy with my decision to come to WHU and recommend that future MBA students consider it.“
Chandan Kalra
ESCP Business School
„I was nominated by my university for an MBA exchange program at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management for my final semester. From day one, this experience was nothing short of transformative. I've had the privilege of immersing myself in a vibrant academic environment, learning from world-class professors and industry experts, and delving into cutting-edge business strategies that have expanded my perspective in ways I never thought possible. From Entrepreneurship to Leadership, every class was a stepping stone towards personal and professional growth.

And beyond the classroom, it's the richness of cultural exchange that left its mark on me. Every interaction, whether it was over a cup of coffee or during group projects, has been an opportunity to learn and grow alongside incredibly talented people from diverse backgrounds. The bonds of friendship formed during my time at WHU are ones I will cherish forever.

My time at WHU has not only equipped me with the skills needed to excel in the global marketplace but has also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the beauty of diversity and the value of cross-cultural understanding. Thank you, WHU, for an unforgettable experience that has shaped me in ways I never imagined. I'm filled with immense gratitude and a profound sense of growth.
Krupakhar Gandeepan
ESCP Business School
„My exchange semester at WHU has been an incredibly enriching and exciting experience. From the engaging classes taught by exceptional professors to the vibrant and experienced student community, WHU provided the perfect environment for academics and fun. I had the opportunity to connect with brilliant minds from diverse backgrounds, forging friendships that will last a lifetime. I am grateful for the support and guidance provided by the International Relations Office and MBA program office which made my time at WHU seamless. My time at WHU has not only enhanced my knowledge but also broadened my perspective, equipping me with valuable skills for my future endeavors. I wholeheartedly recommend WHU to any student seeking a world-class education and a truly global experience while in Germany.“

International@WHU auf Facebook & Instagram folgen!

Frequently Asked Questions –
Fakten zu den Austauschprogrammen.

Nein, alle unsere Kurse werden auf Englisch unterrichtet. Unser Bachelor-Programm bietet jedoch darüber hinaus 20% der Vorlesungen auf Deutsch an, falls Sie diese besuchen möchten. Des Weiteren bietet die WHU kostenlose Deutsch-Intensivkurse an, die das ganze Semester über stattfinden. Diese werden in verschiedenen Niveaustufen angeboten – vom Anfängerlevel bis zu Fortgeschrittenenkursen.

Wenn Sie an einem Studium an der WHU interessiert sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an das Akademische Auslandsamt / International Office Ihrer Heimathochschule, da Sie von Ihrer Universität offiziell nominiert werden müssen. Wir werden uns dann direkt mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um Ihnen weitere Informationen über den Bewerbungsprozess zukommen zu lassen.

Nominierungsfrist ist der 1. Juni (für das Herbstsemester) und der 1. Oktober (für das Frühjahrssemester).

Als Austauschstudierender von einer unserer Partnerhochschulen müssen Sie keine Studiengebühren an die WHU entrichten, zahlen aber in der Regel weiterhin die regulären Studiengebühren an Ihrer Heimathochschule. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich dazu bei Ihrer Heimatuniversität.

Freemover (d. h. Studierende, deren Heimathochschule keine Partneruniversität der WHU ist) müssen an der WHU Studiengebühren zahlen. Weitere Informationen über unser Freemover-Programm finden Sie im Abschnitt Zulassung.

Austauschstudierende der BSc- und MSc-Programme müssen ihre Englischkenntnisse nicht nachweisen, das Auswahlverfahren unserer Partneruniversitäten ist ausreichend. MBA-Studierende hingegen müssen ihre Englischkenntnisse nachweisen (siehe Abschnitt über die MBA-Zulassungsvoraussetzungen).

Bitte beachten Sie unseren Abschnitt zu Visaregularien und Aufenthaltserlaubnis.

Bitte wenden Sie sich dazu an Ihren WHU-Austauschkoordinator, um ihn über die verspätete Ankunft zu informieren. Denken Sie daran, alle Informationen auf unserer Website sorgfältig zu lesen, da Sie die wichtigen Orientierungstage, die zwei Tage vor Semesterbeginn stattfinden, verpassen werden.

Nach Ihrer Ankunft an der WHU erhalten Sie Zugang zum Intranet der WHU, in dem Sie sich für Kurse anmelden können. Vorher ist keine Anmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungen an der WHU möglich. Zu Beginn des Semesters gibt es eine ausführliche Informationsveranstaltung zur Kursanmeldung über das Intranet.

Informationen zu den Kursinhalten finden Sie in unserem Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis.

Nein, das ist leider nicht möglich. Alle Prüfungen müssen zur geplanten Zeit an der WHU abgelegt werden. An der Heimatuniversität dürfen nur Wiederholungsprüfungen abgelegt werden.

In Vallendar bietet die WHU verschiedene möblierte Wohnmöglichkeiten vom Einzelzimmer bis hin zur Wohnung an. Die Mietpreise liegen zwischen 425 € und 650 € pro Monat. Der Wohnungsantrag für eine Unterkunft in Vallendar wird im Rahmen der Online-Bewerbung gestellt, die Vergabe erfolgt nach dem First-Come-First-Serve-Prinzip. Bezüglich Unterkünften in Düsseldorf wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere MBA Austauschkoordinatorin Sophie Schulze.

Eine detaillierte Wegbeschreibung nach Vallendar finden Sie hier.

Eine detaillierte Wegbeschreibung nach Düsseldorf finden Sie hier.

Videobeschreibung: Schauen Sie auch unser Video "Why study abroad at WHU" an! Dort nennen wir Ihnen einige Gründe, warum Sie unbedingt an der WHU studieren sollten.

Kontaktieren Sie uns - Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht!

Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen zum Programm, zu den Kursen, sowie zu organisatorischen Themen. Wenn Sie an Erfahrungsberichten von ehemaligen Austauschstudierenden interessiert sind, kontaktieren Sie bitte unsere Auslandsbotschafter.

Unser Team

Dipl. Kulturwirtin Stefanie Schweins
Dipl. Kulturwirtin Stefanie Schweins
Director International Relations Office
Andre Betz
Andre Betz
Exchange Coordinator – Africa, Asia (except China and Singapore) Scholarship Coordinator (Erasmus+) MBA European Summer Program​​​​​​​
Pui-Ying Chan
Pui-Ying Chan
Exchange Coordinator – Canada Bachelor European Summer Program
Punam Khokle
Punam Khokle
Exchange Coordinator - USA International Marketing Coordinator
Sophie Schulze
Sophie Schulze
Exchange Coordinator – CHN, SGP, AUS, NZL, Latin America Exchange MBA (inbound)
Kristina Schwanitz
Kristina Schwanitz
Exchange Coordinator – Europe
Dörthe Barlach
Dörthe Barlach
Assistant International Relations
Isabella Wienchol-Rotondaro
Isabella Wienchol-Rotondaro
Program Coordinator Scholarships and Double Degree