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Schwerpunkte unserer Forschung sind Macht und Kooperation in Lieferantenbeziehungen, die Zusammenarbeit mit Lieferanten in Emerging Markets und die Internationalisierung von Firmen aus Schwellenmärkten. Neben dem hohen wissenschaftlichen Anspruch sind Realitätsbezug und praktische Anwendbarkeit unserer Forschung die wichtigsten Ziele unserer Arbeit.
Connecting firms, connecting people

In der Lehre gestalten wir Kurse und Module zu strategischer Beschaffung, Verhandlungsführung und Internationalem Management sowohl in den verschiedenen WHU-Programmen als auch in Executive Education.

Wir schätzen den Dialog mit der unternehmerischen Praxis. Viele unserer Forschungsprojekte entwickeln wir in Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmenspartnern. In unsere Lehre integrieren wir regelmäßig Gastveranstaltungen mit hochkarätigen Managern, um unseren Teilnehmenden einen engen Kontakt zur praktischen Anwendung zu ermöglichen.

Unser Team

Renate Schirra
Renate Schirra
Persönliche Assistentin
Carolina Kertz
Carolina Kertz
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Doktorandin

Bewirb' dich jetzt als Promotionsstudent:in am Lehrstuhl für B2B Verhandlungen & Beschaffung

Unser Beitrag zur Spitzenforschung – Ausgewählte Publikationen

Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 59 (1), pp. 66-94
Kaufmann, L., Schreiner, M., Reimann, F. (2023)
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol. 25 (4), 100553.
Kosmol, T., Reimann, F., Kaufmann, L. (2019)
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol. 24, pp. 1-20

Co-alignment of supplier quality management practices and cognitive maps: a neo-configurational perspective.

Kosmol, T., Reimann, F., Kaufmann, L. (2018)
Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 38, pp. 18-34

Multimarket contact and the use of power in buyer-supplier relationships.

Reimann, F., Shen, P., Kaufmann, L. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 53, pp. 3-9

Power in supply chain management.

Reimann, F., Ketchen, D. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 53, pp. 37-66

Responses to supplier-induced disruptions: a fuzzy-set analysis.

Reimann, F., Kosmol, T., Kaufmann, L. (2017)
Journal of International Management, Vol. 23, pp. 242-254

Internationalization of developing country firms into developed countries: the role of host country knowledge-based assets and IPR protection in FDI location choice.

Yoo, D., Reimann, F. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 59 (1), pp. 66-94
Kaufmann, L., Schreiner, M., Reimann, F. (2023)
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol. 25 (4), 100553.
Kosmol, T., Reimann, F., Kaufmann, L. (2019)
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol. 24, pp. 1-20

Co-alignment of supplier quality management practices and cognitive maps: a neo-configurational perspective.

Kosmol, T., Reimann, F., Kaufmann, L. (2018)
Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 38, pp. 18-34

Multimarket contact and the use of power in buyer-supplier relationships.

Reimann, F., Shen, P., Kaufmann, L. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 53, pp. 3-9

Power in supply chain management.

Reimann, F., Ketchen, D. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 53, pp. 37-66

Responses to supplier-induced disruptions: a fuzzy-set analysis.

Reimann, F., Kosmol, T., Kaufmann, L. (2017)
Journal of International Management, Vol. 23, pp. 242-254

Internationalization of developing country firms into developed countries: the role of host country knowledge-based assets and IPR protection in FDI location choice.

Yoo, D., Reimann, F. (2017)

Unsere Lehre – Neue Perspektiven für unsere Teilnehmer

Sourcing: Managing a Firm’s Supply Base
Lutz Kaufmann, Felix Reimann

Supply Chain Management Practice Project
Lutz Kaufmann, Felix Reimann

Advanced Supply Management
Felix Reimann

Strategic Sourcing
Felix Reimann

Negotiations for Managers and Entrepreneurs
Felix Reimann

Strategic Sourcing
Felix Reimann

Negotiations Program (Open Enrollment)
Lutz Kaufmann, Felix Reimann

Online Negotiations Workshop
Lutz Kaufmann, Felix Reimann

Customized Negotiations Programs
Lutz Kaufmann, Felix Reimann

Feedback von unseren Studierenden (aus anonymen Kursbewertungen)

Master of Science
Kurs "Advanced Supply Management"
„Super Guest Speakers and cases. Very well organized.

The course was extremely interactive and engaging.“
Eine junge Frau mit langem, dunklem, gewelltem Haar hebt ihre Hände während einer intensiven Diskussion mit einem jungen Mann in einer marineblauen Jacke.
Full-Time MBA
Kurs "Strategic Sourcing"
„Awesome practical insights

Perfect environment for the learning process“
Part-Time MBA
Kurs "Strategic Sourcing"
„Changed my view of sourcing completely

Could not have imagined sourcing strategy could be so value-adding to the company

Amazing structure, very good way to approach students

Lots of hands-on discussions with cases and great guest speakers“
Part-Time MBA
Kurs "Negotiations"
„Thank you for this excellent negotiation course!

One of the best courses and especially one of the most practically helpful!

The mix between teaching and negotiation sessions is perfect.“

Gastvorträge – Wir schließen die Lücke zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis

Co-Founder & Chief of Staff

Title: Enter the World of Augmented Procurement

Course: Sourcing: Managing the Firm's Supply Base (BSc)

Date: October 9 & 10, 2023

Head of Decarbonization & Climate Strategist

Title: Carbon Management for Complex Supply Chains

Course: Sourcing: Managing the Firm's Supply Base (BSc)

Date: October 9 & 10, 2023

Co-Founder & Digital Supply Chain Community Builder 

Title: Digital Supply Chain Management

Course: Sourcing: Managing the Firm's Supply Base (BSc)

Date: October 9 & 10, 2023


Title: Game Theory Negotiations: An Interactive Case Study from Online Retail

Course: Sourcing: Managing the Firm's Supply Base (BSc)

Date: September 12 & 14, 2023

Partner & Director

Title: Procurement ESG

Course: Strategic Sourcing (Part-Time MBA)

Date: June 4, 2023

Senior Consultant & Project Manager

Title: Semiconductor Shortage

Course: Strategic Sourcing (Part-Time MBA)

Date: June 3, 2023

Managing Director

Title: Sourcing of Raw Materials – Driving Value in Commodity Markets

Course: Strategic Sourcing (Part-Time MBA)

Date: May 7, 2023

Prinicpal & Senior Conultant

Title: Semiconductor Shortage - Risk Management in Times of Crisis

Course: Strategic Sourcing (Part-Time MBA)

Date: May 6, 2023


Title: Modern Procurement in Complex Projects

Course: Advanced Supply Management (MSc)

Date: March 15, 2023

Project Leaders

Title: The Future of Procurement

Course: Advanced Supply Management (MSc)

Date: March 9, 2023


Title: Procurement in Financial Distress

Course: Strategic Sourcing (Full-Time MBA)

Date: January 31, 2023

Partner & Consultant

Title: The Future of Procurement

Course: Strategic Sourcing (Full-Time MBA)

Date: January 30, 2023

Climate Strategist

Titel: Achieving Net-Zero with Automated Carbon Management

Kurs: Sourcing: Managing the Firm's Supply Base (BSc)

Datum: 13. Oktober 2022

Co-Founder & CEO

Titel: Procurement Analytics

Kurs: Sourcing: Managing the Firm's Supply Base (BSc)

Datum: 11. & 13. Oktober 2022

Co-Founder & Digital Supply Chain Community Builder

Titel: Rethinking Digital Supply Chains

Kurs: Sourcing: Managing the Firm's Supply Base (BSc)

Datum: 11. & 13. Oktober 2022

Director of Decarbonization & Partnerships

Titel: Achieving Net-Zero with Automated Carbon Management

Kurs: Sourcing: Managing the Firm's Supply Base (BSc)

Datum: 11. Oktober 2022

Vice President & Senior Business-Analyst

Titel: Competitive Co-Creation 

Kurs: Sourcing: Managing the Firm's Supply Base (BSc)

Datum: 26. & 27. September 2022

Principal & Senior Project Manager

Title: Semiconductor Shortage - Risk Management in Times of Crisis

Course: Strategic Sourcing (Part-Time MBA)

Date: July 2, 2022

Senior Project Managers

Title: Managing Semiconductor Shortages

Course: Strategic Sourcing (Part-Time MBA)

Date: June 11, 2022


Title: Procurement in Complex Projects

Course: Strategic Sourcing (Part-Time MBA)

Date: June 5, 2022

Managing Director

Title: Raw Material Sourcing

Course: Advanced Supply Management (MSc)

Date: March 31, 2022

Senior Project Manager & Consultant

Title: The Semiconductor Shortage

Course: Advanced Supply Management (MSc)

Date: March 23, 2022

Executive Education Negotiations Programm

Strategien und Werkzeuge für eine erfolgreiche Verhandlungsführung

Die Negotiations Programme der WHU sind so konzipiert, dass diese Kompetenzen möglichst effektiv gefördert werden, denn so gehen Sie ganz selbstbewusst in jede Verhandlung!

Kontaktieren Sie uns –

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht
Renate Schirra
Renate Schirra
Persönliche Assistentin