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Die WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management verfolgt konsequent das Ziel, sowohl in der Lehre als auch in der Forschung die bestmöglichen Resultate zu erzielen und dabei stets ihre Verantwortung für die Gesellschaft wahrzunehmen. Durch die Übernahme zusätzlicher Aufgaben als Departmental Editor oder Mitglied eines Editorial Boards durch Mitglieder der Fakultät oder andere wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter leistet die WHU außerdem einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Forschung im Bereich Managementbildung.

Departmental Editorships

  • Editor in Chief, Revue Finance
  • Associate Editor, Multinational Finance Journal
  • Associate Editor - Finance, The British Accounting Review
  • Editor, Review of Corporate Finance
  • Editor in Chief, Economies: Open Access Journal
  • Co-Editor, Economics: the Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal
  • Associate Editor, The Leadership Quarterly
  • Editor in Chief, Small Business Economics
  • Co-Editor of a special Issue, International Small Business Journal
  • Editor of a virtual Special Issue on Crowd-Funded Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Editor, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Associate Editor, European Journal of Information Systems
  • Associate Editor, Business and Information Systems Engineering
  • Departmental Editor and Advisor, Management & Business Review
  • Special Issue Editor, Journal of Operations Management
  • Senior Editor, Production and Operations Management
  • Associate Editor, Family Business Review
  • Guest Editor for Special Issue, Research Policy
  • Guest Editor for Special Issue, Journal of Product Innovation Management
  • Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Journal of Product Innovation Management
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Business Logistics
  • Regional Editor (Europe),  Journal of Supply Chain Management
  • Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
  • Journal of Operations Management
  • Editor, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Group & Organization Management
  • Journal of Business Venturing
  • Journal of Family Business Strategy
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • Journal of Management
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
  • Special Issue Editor, Management and Organization Review
  • Family Business Review
  • Associate Editor, Organizational Research Methods
  • Strategic Organization
  • Editor in Chief, SpringerBriefs in Applied Statistics and Econometrics
  • Guest editor of special issue, Advances in Statistical Analysis : a Journal of the German Statistical Society
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Supply Chain Management
  • Editor, Journal of Management Control
  • Editor, Controlling & Management Review : Zeitschrift für Controlling & Management
  • European Editor, Journal of Business Logistics
  • Special Issue Editor, Journal of Business Logistics
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Supply Chain Management
  • Special Issue Editor, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
  • Journal of Management Control
  • International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
  • Journal of Supply Chain Management


  • Associate Editor, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
  • Global Finance Journal
  • Department Editor, Journal of Business Economics : JBE = Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft : ZfB
  • Management International Review


Editorial Board Memberships

  • Editorial board member, Revue Finance
  • Editorial board member, Journal of Corporate Finance
  • Global Finance Journal
  • Management Review Quarterly
  • Journal of Family Business Strategy
  • Family Business Review
  • Journal of Knowledge Management
  • Creativity and Innovation Management
  • Journal of Product Innovation Management
  • Marketing : ZFP - Journal of Research and Management
  • Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies
  • Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
  • Global Finance Journal
  • Journal for Markets and Ethics - Zeitschrift für Marktwirtschaft und Ethik
  • Human Relations
  • Journal of Business and Psychology
  • Work, Aging and Retirement
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
  • Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems
  • Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems
  • Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
  • Journal of Business Research
  • Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Journal of Product Innovation Management
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Journal of Management
  • Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
  • Journal of Operations Management
  • Group & Organization Management
  • Journal of Business Venturing
  • Journal of Family Business Strategy
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • Journal of Management
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
  • Family Business Review
  • Journal of Supply Chain Management
  • Financial Markets and Portfolio Management = Finanzmarkt und Portfolio-Management = Marché Financier et Gestion de Portefeuilles
  • Journal of Service Research
  • Journal of Business Ethics
  • Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
  • Journal of Management Control
  • International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
  • Journal of Supply Chain Management
  • Empirica : Journal of European Economics
  • Global Finance Journal
  • Management and Organization Review
  • Corporate Board: Role, Duties & Composition
  • Journal of Capital Markets Studies
  • Economies : Open Access Journal
  • Financial Internet Quarterly
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